Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Black and White

Looking at the area, realization hit me when seeing so much water.

Phospora is full of water...

Looking away from the water, my destination is right in front of me. There, an old, dilpidated wooden building sat, or it at least appeared that way. I knew better though. The inside is full of life, but the outside looks dead.

Inside the building were people. Four people in total were usual in here since they're the legendary mages, and this happens to be the building they meet in. At least one person was in this building at all times. Whether it be sleeping or pacing around, there would be someone there to guard whatever treasures there is.

However, I'm not here for that.

Going inside through the front door would be troublesome. I rather not cause a commotion. Therefore, I chose to go through the back window.

After I emerge from the window, I hid under the stairs and adored the decorations inside. There was a red carpert from the front door to the stairs. Up the stairs were rooms for those who meant in the building. Upon looking at the carpet, I noticed two people who I recognized. There I saw the two people, a boy and a girl, that was currently taking care of me, talking. Well, more accurately, the boy, with his dirty blonde locks in his pointy red hat and red armor, was looking at the communication tablet and the girl, clad in a white hat on her black hair with a white dress, was cleaning via communication to animals who happened to crawl inside. Their names are Russet and Winifred. They are five years my senior. They have been taking care of me ever since I ran from home. I don't recall why I did, but none of that matters at the moment. I then started to eavesdropped on the conversation they were having at that moment.

Russet was staring at the tablet intently when his eyes practically stared wide open.
"Hey, Wini?" Wini was short for Winifred.

Winifred flipping her head towards his general vicinity which also flipped her hair in a cool style. Also, I forgot to mention that she is blind, but not completely blind. "What is it, Russ?"

"We have big trouble! I got news on the tablet that the alchemists are declaring war on each other! All because Froth wanted to take over the government!"

Winifred stepped closer as to see the tablet in full detail. "What should we do then?"

Almost immediately, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "What kind of question is that?" Someone said. Once they fully revealed themselves, I peeked to see Azure. Azure was my best friend, at least that's what Winifred insisted. I...really don't recall any friends. Only those close to me. As my mind wandered deeply into this, a yelling voice snapped me out of it.

"Azure is right! We need to kill them all and take their powers." Brice yelled to the point where Iris's ears were practically ringing. Iris could tell it was her with her loud voice.

"You're crazy! Doing that will engage a war in Phospora!" Winifred shouted in response.

"I agree with Winifred. We cannot drag the people into such a thing!" Red passionately replied.

As the two groups argued on, I noticed something. If they just do that, then nothing will result from it. However, as I thought that, it seemed like it was over already, the arguing is what I meant.

"Fine! If you don't agree with us, then we're leaving!" Azure yelled as she left the building with Brice. "Goodbye." And she slammed the door.

Russet paced quietly in circles before saying to Winifred, "I'll be in the room." He went upstairs and locked his room. Did I forget to mention the rooms are not vulnerable to sounds? You can hardly hear anything going on in the other rooms.

However, I need to escape immediately. As I planned my moves, Winifred suddenly said, "Iris, you're here, aren't you?"

I panicked.

How did she know? There was no way she could've known. I hid myself pretty well too...

I revealed myself from out of the staircase. I had no choice; she knew I was there, so why not reveal myself?

"Yeah, I'm here."

As soon as I said that, Winifred ran up and hugged me.

"Thank goodness you aren't in that. I was beginning to worry that you were caught up in that mess."

She's always like this. A calm motherly figure is what describe her as. I can understand why, but I don't really see it as that way. It seems like she was only taking care of me as a favor from a friend or to atone for something.

As I was lost in thought, she hugged me tighter. "Why are you here in the first place though?"

I had to respond, so while choosing my words carefully, I responded with, "I needed to warn everyone. I mean, it would be bad if everyone didn't understand why everything is going as it is."

She started laughing. "Oh Iris! You're so silly! Did you forget we had communication tablets?"

Oh! That was a thing. Communication tablets are devices that instantaneously send messages and news. It was created by those who happened to be here first using the special properties of the water here. The water has this property where basically, you can communicate through it.

I blushed. I completely forgot we had all of that. "U-umm...well, I thought it would be nice to warn people."

Winifred smiled before taking on a serious face. "Yes, well, can you tell me what happened in the tower?"

The tower...that scene wasn't pretty. But while she's asking me this, she's treating me like I'm a child.

But I decided to answer it anyway. I let go of Winifred and folded my hands together. "It was not a fun scene. Froth suddenly declared that he wanted no more of this society to continue. Delia tried to stop him, but she failed and Lily joined up with him."

"This isn't good. I suppose you'll be off to warn the wizards now, right?"

I nodded. "Of course. I need to make sure they're okay."

Winifred gave a small smile to me. "Then both Russet and I are coming."

I gasped. Wha- No she isn't! She can't possibly go.

"No! I need to go, but you don't!"

Too late though. Winifred had already ran upstairs to get Russet.


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