Chapter 15

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Key Information for chapter:

This starts just before Pink Fury (Kaitlyn) started her YouTube channel.

Rebekah and Kaitlyn are twin sisters and are very close

Rebekah= Black Fury

{Flashback: 2011}

{Third Person point of view}

"Come on Rebekah!" Kaitlyn yells up the stairs with excitement.

"I'm coming, calm down!" Rebekah runs down the stairs.

"We don't want to miss our own birthday party!" Kaitlyn grabs Rebekah's arm and practically drags her out the door.

"Hey mom!" Kaitlyn and Rebekah smile as they enter their parent's house.

"There are my girls!" their mother hugs them, "Your brothers are waiting for you in the living room." Their mother leads them to the living room where two 25 year old boys are waiting.

"Hunter, Liam!" Kaitlyn and Rebekah run over and hug their brothers.

"You two have gotten a lot stronger!" Hunter laughs.

"Come on, you two have a lot to catch us up on!" Liam smiles and they all sit on the couch.

The sound of a car door slamming shut comes from outside, everyone looks towards the sound but ignore it. Suddenly, gunshots fire and the windows shatter. Kaitlyn, Rebekah, and their mother scream and Liam and Hunter pull them to the ground to protect them. Four men jump through the window and run over to them, one of them grabs their mother and holds a gun to her head.

"Stand up!" he says, Kaitlyn, Rebekah, Hunter, and Liam slowly stand up. The man nods to them and the other three men walk over to them, one of them grabs Hunter, one grabs Liam, and one grabs Kaitlyn and Rebekah. The man holding their mother shoots her and grabs Rebekah from the man holding the girls.

"No!" Kaitlyn, Rebekah, Hunter, and Liam scream as they are dragged outside.

"Make sure they have no physical contact" one of the men points to Kaitlyn and Rebekah, the other men tie their hands behind their backs and put them on opposite sides of the trunk. They do the same with Hunter and Liam and close the trunk, locking it. They get in the front of the car and start driving,

"What do we do?" Kaitlyn looks at her siblings, all of their faces are tearstained.

"I don't know, but stay calm" Hunter says.

"We can try to untie eachother" Rebekah suggests.

"Ok, Kaitlyn you get Rebekah and I'll get Hunter" Liam says, they all turn their back to eachother and start untying. When Kaitlyn touches Rebekah's hand, there's a spark.

"Ow!" Rebekah and Kaitlyn says.

"You ok?" Hunter asks.

"Yeah, we're fine" Kaitlyn sighs and gets back to untying.

"Do you think we can get the back open?" Rebekah asks once everyone's untied.

"It's worth a shot" Hunter says, they try to open the door but they find that it's locked. Hunter and Liam start to kick at the door handle until it breaks off,  they force the door open. The road is moving very fast below them, there's no one else on the road so there's no point in screaming for help.

"We could try jumping into the grass" Kaitlyn suggests.

"Climb out on the door" Liam says, he and Hunter help Kaitlyn and Rebekah onto the door and they climb outwards. The car begins to slow down as it comes to a red light, the girls jump off and land in the grass. The boys follow as the car speeds up again, they help each other up and start running to find help.

They eventually find a police station, Kaitlyn and Rebekah start running towards it and Hunter and Liam run after them. When they arrive, they shove the door open and immediately run to the desk.

"Can I help you?" the woman looks at them.

"We were just kidnapped and our mother was shot!" Rebekah says, out of breath.

"Alright, come this way and we will help you right away!" the woman stands up and leads them to another room. Kaitlyn and Rebekah hold hands as they are shown to a room with chairs and a table, Rebekah's hair seems to be slowly darkening.


"Hey guys, I am Pink Fury and today I am playing Metal Gear Solid: Rising!" Kaitlyn says to the camera, she starts to play the game. When she's satisfied with what she's done, she turns off the camera and starts to edit the footage that she has. After almost an hour of editing, she uploads the video to YouTube.

There's a knock at the door, Kaitlyn stands up and walks over to it. When she opens it, Rebekah is standing there. Rebekah's skin is  so pale it's almost transparent and she looks like she hasn't slept in days.

"Rebekah?" Kaitlyn says, shocked.

"Kaitlyn, I need your help" Rebekah says weakly, Kaitlyn helps her inside and sits her on the couch.

"What happened?" Kaitlyn asks.

"I started feeling weaker after we separated, it just got worse. For some reason, I just knew that I needed something from you" Rebekah looks at Kaitlyn, her eyes are now pitch black instead of bright green.

"Alright, we need to figure this out" Kaitlyn sits on the couch next to Rebekah.

Kaitlyn and Rebekah both sit upright and look at each other.

"You heard that too, right?" Kaitlyn asks Rebekah.

"Yeah" Rebekah nods.

"Who said it?" Kaitlyn asks, looking around.

"I have no idea" Rebekah looks around too, "but I guess we know what I need now."

"No, we just heard a random voice say 'she needs the blood of the twin' which could be someone playing a trick on us!" Kaitlyn says.

"We need to try!" Rebekah says.

"Fine, but it had better work" Kaitlyn helps Rebekah to her feet and they walk to the kitchen. Kaitlyn grabs a knife and makes a small cut on the palm of her hand, she winces at the pain and holds her hand out to Rebekah. Rebekah takes her hand and drinks some of the blood, her skin immediately goes back to it's normal color. She lets Kaitlyn's hand go and they look at each other.

"It worked!" Rebekah sighs with relief, but then she starts yelling in pain. Her canine teeth begin to grow and sharped and her eyes turn gold surrounded by blood red.

"Rebekah!" Kaitlyn shakes Rebekah by her shoulders, Rebekah gasps and shoots up, "Are you ok?"

"Never better" Rebekah smiles, but her smile is more evil than before. Kaitlyn backs away and stands up.

"What happened?" Kaitlyn asks.

"I'm one of the three YouTube counterparts" Rebekah stands up.

"What do you mean?" Kaitlyn asks.

"You'll find out soon enough" Rebekah runs out at super human speed, leaving Kaitlyn in shock.

{Well, there's the past that Kaitlyn and Black Fury had. I bet you weren't expecting that! I hope you guys enjoyed, I wanted to have an explanation for why Fury and Kaitlyn are identical but still have a history for them. Dark and Anti are different though, they were never human so there's not as much of a past to them but the story behing Fury and Kaitlyn is critical to the storyline so I had to explain it}

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