To Mom

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Dear Mommy!

Remember the time when I was little and I wanted so bad to meet the superheroes? Well I was too young then to know that I already knew a super heroine. She was always with me and took care of me every moment and she still does every day. That heroine it's you mom

To write about you and your love would take me years and years and all the paper of the world. You have been always there for me, you are everything that I need. You are a shoulder to cry on, a helping hand, a listening ear , the best best friend I ever had. 

I know that we don't get along all the time, that I don't always agree  with you or there are times I hurt you. I'm sorry for that mom and I want you to know that I love you more than anything. You are my superwoman , the angel god sent to earth to protect and love me.

Thank you mum, thank you for being there for me. Thank you for loving me, I pronmise you that one day I will make you proud. I Love You Mommy 

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