Chapter 11: Coffee Shop Romance

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"Hey!" Jensen exclaimed, "thought I stood you up, huh?" He laughed as he sat down in front of me.

I laughed nervously and started fiddling with my thumbs, "yeah, kinda."

The smile on his face vanished and was replaced with a look of regret and worry, "oh. I-I'm sorry I made you wait I didn't mean to take so long I just lost track of time and all and I-"

"It's ok"

"Are you sure?"

I giggled "yeah don't worry about it. Your here now."

He laughed and ran his hands through his hair. I loved when he did that. Part of me wanted to believe he was nervous, but how could he be? I mean, he couldn't be nervous because of me. I'm literally nobody.

"So how do you like your coffee?" He asked as he slid his jacket off.

"I actually don't, but I do enjoy the hot chocolate here" I said while looking up at the sign above us. I found it ironic that Jensen, the man who played someone who's been to hell and back (more than once) was sat outside a café called 'Heaven'.

"You don't like coffee?" He asked as though he had just been shot.

"No," I laughed and looked down at my hands, which were rested on the table,"I'm more into sweet things. Coffee is bitter. Not that that's a bad thing, but I find hot chocolate a lot better."

"So you like sweet things? Must be because your a sweet person" he said with a smirk.

I giggled and, just like I had many times before, stared into his fanfiction green eyes, "your such a flirt" he blushed and looked away, still smiling that same goofy smile he had shown moments before. He was about to speak until a young woman who I had assumed to be our waitress piped in.

"Hi! My names Louise, and I'll be your waitress today!" She pulled out a small glittery pen and a notepad to match it, "what can I get you guys?"

"Hi, I'll take a regular coffee."

She squiggled something down and turned to me. I froze. "And what will you have?"

I spoke in a very soft voice, "hot chocolate." This young woman who looked to be no more than 17 was suddenly the most intimidating thing in the entire world.

"I'm sorry what was that?" She asked again.

"She'll take a hot chocolate" Jensen intervened. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in and turned to Jensen, silently thanking him. He nodded and smiled.

The waitress told us out orders would be right out and left. "I'm sorry. I have really bad anxiety." I said while mentally face palming myself. Great, now he's gonna think I'm a loser.

"It's ok," he said leaning in, "between you and me, I have it too. Anxiety, I mean. I get it real bad when I'm meeting the fans. I wish I didn't have it. Then maybe I could be what everybody already thinks I am."

My eyes trailed down to his hands, which were slightly shaky and callused. I sympathized with this man more than I had anybody else. And it wasn't because I felt bad. It was because I understood.

"It must be hard having to appear perfect to everyone," I said suddenly, "Because that's what everybody already assumes. They think your this god, this perfect man with no flaws who can do no wrong. But truth is your just like us. Flawed and imperfect. I don't blame you for having anxiety, not one bit."

I glanced up at him smiling.

He smiled back and looked at me with a look even the smartest person in the world couldn't decipher. It was a strange look. In a good way, of course. You know that look you give when you see something beautiful? When you see something so incredibly amazing that you can't help but have this goofy look on your face? That's how he was looking at me. But it couldn't be. I'm no one. Absolutely no one. How could he give me, a nobody, such a look?

"Thanks." He said and leaned in a bit closer.

"No problem," I replied and leaned in a bit too, "if you ever need to talk to someone just call me. I'll help in any way I can. I promise"

We were inches apart, gazing into each other's eyes. Sounds like something out of a cheesy ass romance movie now that I put it that way, but I don't care. Right now all that matters is me, Jensen, and the few inches between us.

"Here's your drinks!" The waitress suddenly appeared out of nowhere and set out drinks on the table, causing both Jensen and I to jump. We looked at each other and laughed, thanking Louise and enjoying our coffee and hot chocolate.

We spent the rest of the time talking and conversing about random things ranging from our anxiety, to a lizard we read about in the local newspaper who somehow managed to save a woman from a heart attack.

"It's getting a little late isn't it?" Jensen said suddenly looking at the time on his watch,"I guess we better get going"

"Yeah, we probably should."

We both stood up and paid the cashier before leaving. We decided that Jensen would pay for the drinks, and I would tip the waitress.

"I think it would be very proper to ask you, young lady, if I should accompany you home." He said  holding his arm out to me.

I giggled and took his arm, "well I should think so for a gentlemen of your status."

He laughed and we continued to my house, where Megan, of course, would be waiting for me to tell her all the details. And to be honest, I couldn't wait.


Hello everybody! Tis I your friendly neighborhood CapnKayKay!

I'm incredibly sorry for the wait, but I'm back now and I can assure you I will be updating more now that I have time! Thank you all for the support and I really do hope you enjoy this chapter and the rest to come

Also the video (which is a song) is quite fitting for this song so you should check that out ASAP

Also guys I'm working on a new book that im thinking about publishing soon. Would you guys read it? Also it will be an ORIGINAL book

*collective gasps*

Yea I know you guys mainly like fanfiction sand shit like that but I think I might have a really good story you guys might enjoy

So if your up for that just leave a cheeky comment below and also if you liked this chapter tell me your thoughts in the comments as well

I hope you guys have a wonderful day (or night)!

Capnkaykay out

*drops mic*

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