Chapter 4: No. Freaking. Way.

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Jensen ran up on stage along with Jared and Misha. Jared kept saying how 'AWESOME' that was and how I 'should TOTALLY auidition for American Idol'.

I Started blushing.

My blushing intensified when Jensen chimed in,

"Holy cow, girl you can sing!"

The hall bursted with laughter and cheer. I took off the strap and slowly set the guitar down, not wanting to bust a string or scratch the surface. It was Jensen's guitar after all. He'd DESTROY me...

Ok, probably not. But he would be kinda mad.

Just as I was about to set the guitar down I felt a hand gently touch mine. My eyes widened when I came face to face with the most extravagant pair of emerald green eyes.

Fanfiction green eyes.

"You know what?"

He said as he pulled a sharpie out of his back pocket. He scribbled something on the surface of the guitar, covering it with his hand so I wouldn't see, and placed it in it's case.

"You keep it."

I smiled brightly and looked down. I wanted to stare into his eyes all day, but being the person that I am, I couldn't. I cant make eye contact with someone while having a conversation, Unless Im with Megan.

Megan is the phil to my dan. She's the greatest friend that anybody could ever ask for. She's the reason why Im still alive... I wouldn't be where I am without her.

He handed me the case, with the guitar inside of it, and I gladly took it.

I looked at down at the black leather interior of the container and smiled. I was suprised to look up and find Jensen still staring at me. He blushed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Well, um, It was nice meeting you. I hope ill have the pleasure of seeing those beautiful brown eyes of yours again." He said.

He whispered that last part so no one else could hear it but me. My smile grew wider and my face turned a bright red. Did Jensen just call my eyes beautiful?

Everyone cheered and clapped as I received a hug from Jensen, Jared, and Misha. With that, I walked off the stage, sat in my original seat, and watched the rest of the panel. Throughout the whole thing Jensen kept making eye contact with me. I, of course, blushed like an idiot. When I made eye contact with him he would smile and proceed with his conversation.

I was a bit sad when it ended, but hey, at least I got something to remember it by. Megan, giving me a smug ass look, turned to me.

"What?" I said.

"So you and Jensen..." She answered.

I laughed and flipped my hair dramatically, "I dont know what your talking about!".

She continued her stare, "You aint slick Leah, and I aint stupid either!".

I smiled and bit my lip. Theres no getting past Megan, Ever. So, might as well spill the beans.

"Do you think well ever see each other again?"

She smiled, "I dunno, its a big world out there..."

I nodded and continued walking, until Megan stopped me.

"But dont let that put you down, fate always intervenes."

I smiled and hugged her tightly, "What would I do without you?"

"Crash and burn."

I chuckled, "Bitch"

"Jerk" she replied.

We smiled at each other other and continued our journey through the convention.

How One Song Changed My Life (A Jensen Ackles Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now