Silk shoes and egos

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The music played loudly in the background as Iris straightened her hips, shifting into fifth position and raising her arms as Derric moved to pick her up for a lift. His timing was off, again, she ignored it as he gripped her hips while they both plièd, prepping for a simple lift.

Wait, no, his stance is all wrong. What is he doing? A squat?  Is miss Envern sure it was three years of ballet and not three weeks? 

Iris jumped into the lift but his uneven stance sent them both to the ground. Luckily Iris managed to brace her fall, landing harshly on her knees. They ached in protest but she was fine. Derric hadn't been as lucky, his prone form lying on the ground whimpering pathetically.

"Idiot, it's a pliè not a squat, and haven't you ever heard of balance?" She hissed at him as she stood up and trudged to her bag to get a drink and shut off the music.

"Sorry you were off the beat, peaches it messed me up!" He rolled over onto his stomach and ran a hand through his terrible haircut with bleached tips. God this guy was a moron.

"I was on count, you imbicel. And don't ever call me peaches again, you know my name, use it."  

"Calm down Iris, Derric please be more respectful and try not to drop her, she's the only lead dancer we have at the moment." Miss Envern spoke softly from the door way of the studio, her gentle green eyes scanned the downed dancer, then his enraged partner, with a soothing smile. "She is right Derric, your counts are very off and your form could use work. Why don't you call it a day? I have to leave soon anyways." She glanced down at her watch before returning her gaze to Iris. "You can stay, just lock the door on your way out, and let me know." 
Iris nodded as she drank from her water bottle, she raised up to full relive in her pink pointe shoes and tossed a glare at the incompetent boy on the floor. Derric groaned again before standing up and grabbing his bag from the floor.

"I'll work on it Ms.E, see ya tomorrow Pe- uh Iris." he waved back at his partner and walked through the door as miss Envern moved out of the way. 

"Good riddance." Iris muttered as she tossed her bottle back into her bag.

"I'm sorry we couldn't find a better partner for you, Iris, but he was the only one willing to play the part." Miss Envern shook her head, her soft brown curls dancing with the motion.

Iris sighed "no I understand it's a demanding part, I just hope we never get paired together again. Are you sure that he's had three years of experience and not like three days and half a cookie?" Miss Envern laughed and beckoned Iris to the middle of the floor.

"As much as his records say otherwise, I'm still not convinced either. Come, I've got a few minuets before I have to get to the airport, show me your solo."

Iris chassèd to the center of the floor and took her starting position,  smiling as the music filtered through the speakers. She loved this dance, it was peaceful and precise. Something she could rely on. She felt like she was floating as she danced the story of the princess  her body no longer needing thought to do the moves, the graceful turns and jumps practically etched into her being.

She landed the last jump and slowly turned towards her imaginary 'prince' as the last chords of music played. She waited until the song was completely over before turning and bowing with practiced elegance to a smiling Miss Envern.

"What do you think? I've been practicing all week!" Iris twirled in place on her toes before grinning at her teacher.

"It was beautiful, you seem to be getting the hang of some more complicated choreography. I'm proud of you!" Miss Envern looked down at her watch, her smile widening. "I have to go or I'll be late, but I'll see you tomorrow!" With a happy wave and bouncing steps she left the studio.

"Bye!" Iris yelled after her as she practiced a pirouette. The studio was quiet, normal classes ended at six, extended practices ended at seven. She glanced at the clock, her parents were probably out for the night, meaning they would be back early in the morning again.

"Not like they would even notice I was gone until Monday." Iris practiced a few more moves before returning to her bag and grabbing her phone.

3 missed calls
A text from Tessa

She ignored the calls (obviously from her mother asking where she was.) and she read the text from her kinda-sorta friend.
hey! Do you remember what we needed to do for English class? I forgot my instruction sheet at school. :p
She smiled and responded before plugging her phone into the sound system and selecting a play list.
Tessa started out as her biology partner in freshman year, they talked but never really hung out. Over the past few years of highschool their relationship hadn't changed much. Iris felt bad about it but she never had time to really sit down and make friends, she danced to keep away from her parents and as a result she kept everyone away.
Sighing she closed her eyes and started to dance. It's not like her parents really cared if she was home or not anyways.

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