The wonderful place called school.

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Despite being a dancer with a hard regime of daily stretches and practices I was never one to put effort into things I found stupid.

Like waking up in the morning. 

Unfortunately, that's what you have to do if your 17 and enrolled in the school system of a public highschool that starts promptly at 8:30 am on the dot.

Have I ever mentioned that mornings are not my thing? 

"You have ten minuets before I get Jenny to come up here and drag you out of bed, are you listening to me Iris?" Danny yelled at me through the service intercom in my room as I rolled over and groaned.

One more month of senior year, come on Iris you can do it,  just get up and get dressed and get your coffee.

I pried my eyes open and glared at my alarm clock glowing happily on my nightstand.
6:47am Monday April 23
"Traitorous piece of shit." I mumbled as I calculated the few minuets I had left before the snooze wore off and the incessant beeping started again.

I rolled off the bed and flopped onto the floor.
"Why must you torture me so, Monday?"
I dragged myself to my closet and threw on a pair of blue jeans and a random t-shirt from my drawer before pulling a slightly oversized blue hoodie over my head before grabbing a pair of socks and some old ratty tennis shoes. After I brushed my hair and teeth (well the brush touched my hair, can't say it helped much.) I grabbed my backpack and dance bag off the floor before running down to the kitchen.

"Good morning honey! Drive safe and do good in school!" Jenny said as she made a batter of some sort. I grabbed the bagel and the large travel mug of coffee before rushing out the door.

"Bye Jen! See you later!" I shouted as the door closed. I opened the door of my car and tossed my bags in the back before hopping in the front seat and turning it on.


I pulled out through the side driveway that was suppose to be for the hired help to use but it was significantly shorter than the main drive. The drive into town would be about 26 minutes or so, I would probably just make it before the bell rings.
I successfully managed to eat the bagel while driving and not getting into any accidents. I was halfway done with my coffee when I finally made it into the city and by the time I pulled into a parking spot at the school the coffee was a distant memory. I grabbed my backpack off of the back seat before turning the car off and locking the door as I got out. I ran up the front steps as I shoved my keys into a pocket of my bag. As I walked in I noticed the time on a large clock behind the secretary.


Oh. I'm a little earlier than usual.
I glanced around at the small groups of other students looking for Tessa but knowing she didn't come to school until second period.
Crap crap crap.
I beelined to the library, the safest place for loners and the socially awkward. I quietly opened the door and slid in, the noise of the hallway muting as soon as the door closed.

Students were scattered in between the bookshelves and on chairs and couches through out the room, it was silent accept for a few whispers and the turning of pages.

I claimed an empty chair next to the biographies and fished a book out of my bag, might as well get ahead in English since I'm here.


My eyelids slid closed for a second as the teacher discussed the complexities of some chemical. His flat voice doing nothing to stop my slow decent into slumber, until my head slipped off of my hand, resulting in me almost nailing my head on the desk, luckily I caught my self before that could happen.

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