Chapter 1

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Peter Burke walked into the FBI White Collar division. Things in the office were relaxed, they had just closed a big case so they were looking over mortgage fraud and cold cases.

"Burke." yelled Hugues from across the office. He pointed two fingers at Peter and motioned him into his office.

If Neal where here he'd be asking him what he did to earn the double finger_ STOP! He couldn't think about Caffrey in that way. He was a criminal. End of discussion.

Once Peter had entered Hugues' office and closed the door, he noticed the man in the corner. He was dressed in a pure black suit, black tie, and a pristine white shirt.

"Agent Burke, please take a seat." said Hugues.

Peter sat down without taking his eyes off of the agent in the corner. The agent cleared his throat and placed a file on the desk. He opened it and Peter had to restrain himself from jumping out of his chair. Inside the file were surveillance photos of Neal boarding a private airplane.

"I'm in charge of the manhunt for Neal Caffrey. We've narrowed his location down to Ma'ili, Oahu. It's a small community and home to a Navel Radio Transmitter Facility."

Peter couldn't believe what he was hearing. After two years of nothing, they knew where he was.

"With all due respect. What do you need me for?" Peter asked. He was kicked off the investigation.

"We are too close to lose him now. You have caught him twice. We can't take any chances right now."

Peter was Nodding his head as the agent spoke, but his mind was miles away. He was going to see Neal again after two years. What was he going to say? Will he find out why he ran?

"So I'm sure you can understand why we need you to be the one to make the arrest."

Peter shook himself out of his thoughts. It didn't matter now.

"Of course. Agent?"

The unnamed agent smile slightly and held out his hand.

"Agent Reeves." he said, finally introducing himself.

They shook hands and Peter was left alone in the office. Hughes must have stepped out when he was distracted.

Was this real?

Was he really going to see Neal?

Is he okay?

The last Question was one That he had desperately tried not to think about, now it consumes every other thought.

He shakily took his phone out of his pocket and speed dialed El.

It rang twice before she picked up.


Peter let out the breath he was holdimg. Just the sound of his wife's voice had a cathartic effect t on him.

"Hey Hon "

"Peter? What's wrong."

He chuckled. Of course she knew that something was up. Nothing ever got past her.

With a heavy heart he told her everything that he was told in the meeting with Agent Reeves.

She was silent for a while before she answered.

"So you're going?"

"Yeah. I need to end this."

They both just sat in silence for a while. El eventually told him that she'd pack his bag so it would be ready for him and then hung up.

Peter Burke cast one more look at the file on the desk. The picture sat there mocking him.

He stood up and walked out of the bullpen.

Neal Caffrey, Suspect at LargeWhere stories live. Discover now