Chapter 2

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Peter Burke shielded his eyes as he exited the air terminal in Ma'ili. He stuck out like a sore thumb, his suit not blending in among the tourists in bright Hawaiian print shirts and cheap fabric leas you could buy at any dollar store.

When he had gotten home from the office, El had his suitcase packed and ready for him. She was upset, but didm't try to stop him from leaving. She, like him, knew that it was pointless.

He reaffirmed what he already knew in his mind.

No more deals.

No more grey areas.

No more second chances.

Neal had brought this fate on himself. He repeated this to himself all the way to the house where he believed Neal was. It was a two story, Spanish style house with big, open windows on the first floor. He could actually see into the living room and kitchen.

His heart gave a pang when he saw Neal in the kitchen. He was at the island and reading a book.

'He looks good.' Peter thought. It was true. Neal's hair had grown out a bit, he was wearing an unbuttoned blue shirt over a white undershirt. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans.

Peter sighed and opened his car door to get out and make the arrest when he was stopped in his tracks.

A beautiful women had approached Neal from behind and hugged him around the middle. He turned around to face herald rested his hands on her waist while she moved her's to his shoulders. They were talking and, by the look of their smiles, flirting.

She had long, auburn hair and flawless slightly tanned skin. The form-fitted tank top and jean shorts showed a toned body. He couldn't see her eye collar from his place across the street.

Peter closed the car door and sunk into his seat.

He couldn't do it. He was expecting_. Well, he didn't know what he was expecting, but not this. Not Neal in a beautiful house, with a beautiful woman who he seemed to really care about, and not happy. Not truly happy.

He picked up his phone and called the number that he had plugged into his phone on the flight over.

"Agent Reeves. I'm going to need another agent with me to make the arrest."

"Of course. I'm close. I can meet you at your current location in ten minutes."

Peter sighed. "Thank you. I'll see you there."

Peter hung up and closed his eyes. He couldn't make the arrest alone. If he did then he'd end up letting Caffrey walk. If someone else were there, he wouldn't have a choice. He would have to make the arrest.

Peter watched as the woman walked out the front door. She had changed into running clothes and it looked like she'd be gone for a while. Reeves' black SUV pulled up behind his rental car. They both got out and approached the house.

Surprisingly, the door was unlocked and they were able to enter the house without alerting the target. They walked across the living room with their guns drawn. They could see Neal in the kitchen. His back was turned and he hand't seen them yet.

"FBI! Put your hands in the air and turn around!"

Neal tensed up. Peter could see the muscles bunched up through tieback of his shirt. Slowly, with his hands up, Neal turned around. His eyes widened when he registered Peter.

"Hello Peter." said Neal. His voice was calm and relaxed. Peter would have been fooled if he hadn't known him so well. Neal was panicking and tense.

Neal's eyes darted to something over his shoulder. Before he could turn around to see what it was something hit him on the back of the head. His head exploded in pain before everything went black.

Before he passed out, he heard the deafening sound of a gunshot.

Neal Caffrey, Suspect at LargeWhere stories live. Discover now