Bow to Toe (a cheer fan fiction)

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Alyson's POV

"Alyson honey Are you ready for cheer"? I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs and into the car. My mom and I had a very close relationship considering I was the only child. I always wanted a sister or a brother.

As we started driving I couldn't stop talking about how great my sweet 16 was going to be cause it's only a few months away... My mom seemed weird as I was talking about it the other day she had seemed really excited? My mom stayed quiet the whole time, I asked if she was okay but she just said we would talk later after practice. She dropped me off and that was the end of our conversation.

Mom's POV

Thoughts raced threw my mind of me deciding whether or not I should tell Alyson. She seemed so excited about her birthday I didn't want to ruin it.

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