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Alyson's POV

It's been a week. He's gone, today it hit us mom just started lying on the floor hysterical crying. I asked her if she was okay and she was crying too hard to answer. I'm sad but not too sad if he didn't love us enough to stay then why should I be so upset?

Mom's POV

I can't control myself or my crying. Alyson has not cried once. She helped me to my bed and lied down with me. It was hard things keep piling up on top of her. So much negativity.

Alyson's POV

Once mom stopped crying we were lying together. She said "how could he leave us now, was it because I told him and he couldn't handle it"? I was shocked I said "couldn't handle what"?!? She hugged me and told me that she was already 20 weeks pregnant. I couldn't believe I didn't notice her stomach, I mean I noticed it I just never thought anything of it. I thought maybe she was eating so much because she was depressed. I started hysterical crying it was a mix of being happy and sad. Happy because I always wanted someone to hang out with me, sad because my dad was not there to help. The baby would grow up without a father. My mom actually had a doctor's appointment today, we went together.

Mom's POV

How am I going to do this? I know Alyson will be a big help and a huge positive Impact on me. We drove to the doctor together and we talked and talked about names and what gender we thought it would be. It was a great mother daughter experience but then the ultra sound came, we were excited to see the baby.

Alyson's POV

In a way I'm glad my dad is gone this a good experience that my mom and I are sharing and I'm having fun! Once we got to the doctor the started the ultra sound. My mom got all teary eyed because she said it reminds her of when she was pregnant with me and how happy she was. We were excited because we would find out what gender the baby was! The doctor turned the monitor on and we saw one healthy baby... Then we saw two! My mom burst out crying not knowing what to do. The first baby was a boy, it would be exciting having a little brother to rough house with. The next baby wasn't as easy to see because he/she was curled up in a ball! But then we found out it was a she. It would be fun teaching my little sister cheers. Hopefully she liked cheerleading, I was so excited.

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