Chapter 19: In the City That We Love

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Zayn's Point of View

I walked out of the shower into my room at the hotel relaxed from the warm water and the break from stress.

I've never had this hard time on a tour, but then again I've never been in a close relationship like with Myah. Thankfully there was less then a month until I could be back with her. By that time she would be fully recovered and she could come pick me up at the airport. I have the whole thing planned out.

We're leaving tonight after the concert for Melbourne, but there are still three days until the next concert, after this one. During those three days I decided to reserve everything for my homecoming so she didn't have to worry about anything.

Lately we had been talking about everything from what we ate for dinner to the start of her online schooling. Since she was behind there was less time to talk, but we could always find time.

I checked my phone as I pulled on a tshirt anhd sweatpants. I wouldn't need to look good for a couple more hours. I smiled when I saw the notification for one missed call, from Myah of course, even though it wasn't a normal time for her to call.

I called her back and she greeted me perkily. "Hey, guess what!"

"What?" I said playing along.

"I have one assignment yet, then I'm all caught up! And I'm easily getting in A in all of these classes...sooo easy!" She gushed her achievement and I laughed.

"You are too cute. I miss you." I told her.

"I miss you too. I have to do some more work on this prject, but I'll call you right before your concert okay?"

"Okay babe. Love you."

"Love you too." She replied and hung up. I sat there for a minute before remembering I actually had to go talk to the boys about the concert tonight.

I wanted to wear something different, as its our last night in New Zealand for a while. We do like to do this sometimes, with jerseys or similar tshirts, and lets not forget when we dressed in all orange.

That was such a cool concert, because so many fans wore orange too, and it just showed how many people truly love us, and we will never meet, see, follow, tweet, or talk to.  

"Hey guys." I greeted them. As usual I was the last one up, even though it was early. Luke, Calum, and Michael were sitting around the living room area with the rest of my best mates.

"Look who decided to wake up." Louis joked and I shot him a look that said 'its still really early, don't you dare mess with me punk.' He quickly wiped the smirk off of his face and continued eating his cereal.

"So, I was thinking we should wear something New Zealand ish tonight." I suggested.

"Oh yeah? Ashton suggested the same thing for us four. We probably have some sort of shirt if you wanna borrow. This is our home turf." Calum pointed out.

"Where did Ashton go?" Michael asked.

"I'm right here. Duh." I heard Ashton's voice but I couldn't see him as I spun around. "Luke's been sitting on me for a good twenty minutes."

As I looked at Luke I noticed this was true, and I wondered how I had missed it before.

"Sorry, I kinda forgot." Luke said sheepishly and stood up. Ashton stood up, wiped his on his pants, then shoved Luke to the ground. "HEY!" He yelled defensively.

"I do think that's a great idea Zayn. I'll text Lou and ask if she has anything." Liam spoke up and left to room to grab his phone.

"Or we could just wear yellow." Harry said randomly.

"Why yellow?" Niall asked.

"Isn't it on the flag?" I said, directing my question towards the four Australian boys. 

"Uhh no." Ashton answered.

"Oh, well I don't look good in yellow anyways." I replied and everyone rolled their eyes. Whatever.

Liam came back in the room after a minute and told us what Lou had said. "She'll be able to scrounge something up, we may look like ruffians but still."

The television was turned on and was blasting the current football (soccer) game immediately after our conversation ended. I didn't feel like listening to the loud game and the boys screaming so I walked into the room I was sharing with Liam.

Everytime we stay in a hotel we pick straws to see who gets the room alone, since we have an uneven number of five. Everyone has won once except me, so hopefully its my turn when we stay in Melbourne.

I've had to share with Niall twice, Louis once and Liam once and let me tell you, some of us can snore quite loudly.

I plugged ear buds into my phone and played music as I put my clothes and other belongings back into my suitcase and carry on. I left out my chargers and the devices the belonged to, so I would have a full charge when it came time for the plane ride. I don't sleep very well on planes, and this was going to be a short flight anyways.

I finished cleaning up then laid down for a nap. Before I knew it Louis was creepily whispering into my ear to wake me up and we were on our way to the venue for our second and last concert in Auckland.

Lou had found us some New Zealand shirts, and we looked pretty smashing if I say so myself. I sent a picture to Myah and she agreed. My hair was styled up into its normal quaff type thing and I was off to call Myah. Dave followed me to an empty dressing room down the hall and stayed outside while I called Myah. I saw Harry and Shane following behind us, and Louis asking Chris if he would do the same.

It's not that I have a problem with others hearing my phone conversation but Myah might need to tell me something important, so I come prepared.

I began to dial the number when Niall walked in. "Zayn, I don't think I can do the concert." He said. When I looked up I noticed he was crying.

"Whats wrong Niall?" I asked him.

"Sloane, s-she's been cheating on me for weeks." He stuttered as the awful words came out of his mouth.

"I'm so sorry, mate. She's not the right girl, but there are plenty of fish in the sea." He nodded and went to leave the room. "Ask Liam for help, he knows what its like to be single on tour."

I finally got to call Myah when he was gone, hoping for no more interruptions. I now only had a couple more minutes before I needed to rewarm up my voice, I mean yes we already did sound check but still.

"Heyy!" She said excitedly when I called her.

"Hey love. Just wanted to check in before I go out."

"Your calling a bit later then normal, everything okay?" She asked. She was always so perceptive, I should have realized she'd notice.

"Uhh, just had to help Niall with something, but it's all good now." I said. I also told her of our New Zealand wear and proudly mentioned how it was all my idea.

"I'm so proud." Myah said sarcastically. I could just imagine her sticking her tongue out or rolling her eyes, both immature moves.

I went to give a sarcastic reply, but a knock sounded on the door.

"Sorry Zayn, time to go" I heard Dave call out and sighed.

"Sorry Myah, text me later okay?" She agreed, we said goodbye and I hung up.

The show actually went really quickly and before I knew it we were on the plane back to Australia.


This is Monday's update, cos I'm super duper bored and its rainy and cold. Gosh diddly darn.

Ummm, idk if anyone you know cheerleading but I GOT MY ROUNDOFF BACKHANDSPRING BACK TUCK BY MYSELF yippee ok that's hugeee for me.

Song of the Chapter: Pompeii by Bastille bc amaze-beans (Bethany Mota ohh yeahh)

Vote, comment, share, enjoy, tumble, HATE MONDAYS BC SCHOOL...bye!


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