Chapter Six: Riddles

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As the day went by, I could see how much more strained everything was becoming. It might be healthier for my parent's to be happy around each other, but it didn't look like that was going to happen. They were always near each other, but their expressions were anything but happy. I couldn't stand to be around it. I wanted to spend time with my mother just in case I failed and she had to leave, but something stopped me. I wouldn't fail. I couldn't let her just move on and leave my father like that. I had to change it. I was thinking about what I had to change all day long, but it was confusing. By the end of the day I had two possible decisions. Either make my mom's father approve of Chris, or... I could stop my mother from telling him that she loved him that day. I think I knew which one I should choose, and which one would be easier to eliminate. But now I just had to find out how to do it. I didn't have any clue how I would overcome the trapped feeling and be able to manipulate things done in the past, but I had to try.


Later that night when I glanced in Alexis' room, she was asleep. I shut her door and walked into the bedroom where Chris was watching TV.

"Hey." I said softly, causing him to glance up.

"Hi." he responded, cutting the TV off and tossing the remote on the nightstand. The room was instantly thrown into blackness as I shut the door behind me and made my way over to the bed. I climbed into bed and wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you." I whispered into his chest. I could feel one of his hands stroking my hair as I listened to his heart beat steadily in his chest.

"I love you too." he responded softly. I tucked my face in the crook of his neck and kissed his neck lightly, causing him to sigh.

"I don't want you to leave." he mumbled.

"I know." I said regretfully. I looked up and saw him staring at me, a tear on his cheek. I kissed his lips and he kissed me back as his other arm wrapped around me. I wished I could do something to change what had happened, but I knew I couldn't. This had to happen. I wasn't meant to be here in the first place, and it was all because of that stupid promise I had made. But if I hadn't made the promise, Alexis wouldn't be here. Maybe everything happened for a reason. I felt Chris slide his hands up the back of my shirt and I let him slip it off as he kissed my neck. His lips sent tingles through my body.

"Let me make love to you." he pleaded. I shook my head and held back my tears.

"I can't." I said softly.

"Please." he said.

"I don't want to hurt you more when I leave." I said, and he broke his lips away from my neck so he could look me in the eyes.

"It will hurt me more if I don't get a chance to." he reminded me. I stared down at his chest to avoid eye contact, and I felt him tilt my chin up.

"Please." he repeated. I sighed in defeat and kissed him again, which he took as a yes. I hoped I wouldn't regret this.


The dream repeated itself again as soon as I went to sleep, and I paid even closer attention to everything that I knew would happen. The vision was blurry at first, but then it became clearer as I watched. I paid close attention to everything, and my heart sunk when I saw my mom leave her phone on the couch. I squeezed my eyes shut and concentrated hard on everything, my mind reeling and trying to come up with a solution to all of this. I weighed the two options in my mind. If I decided to make my mom restrain herself from saying "I love you" then her parents wouldn't have found out, but I had a feeling it would be much harder to change her dad's mind. So my decision was to change my mom's text message. I wasn't quite sure how to do it, but before I did it I needed to know who it was that I couldn't save. I opened my eyes and gazed upon the fury on my grandparent's faces, and I watched as my grandfather made the decision that would take away all of their lives. I felt a tear sliding down my face as I began to cry, and when the vision was over, the blackness overtook me and I was slammed back onto the bed. As always, I woke up gasping for air, but I was more angry at myself more than anything. Why hadn't I don't anything?! All I had done was stand there and think, something I should have done before I even went to sleep! Here it was, just four days before my mother left us, and I was just standing there doing nothing when I had the power to change it!

Patience. Take your time. Just know that it has to be done before the last day is up, but you still have three more nights to come. Wait a while longer, child. My grandmother's voice spoke. I was so upset with myself, despite her words, and suddenly I felt powerless and weak. I had doubts that I would ever do this, and I knew that if I lost my mom nothing would ever be the same, and every time I looked at my father's face I would be overcome with sadness and guilt for knowing I had failed. I couldn't live with that. The tears poured down my face, and I squeezed my eyes shut as the soft sobs continued to shake my body. When I continued to cry, faint sounds reached my ears from my parent's bedroom. I heard my mother moaning his name, and I felt myself blush in embarrassment that I had overheard them. For some reason, this just made me cry harder. They loved each other so much, and I might be the one to tear them apart.

Don't think like that. Her voice said reassuringly. I shook my head, clearing the thoughts away. I had to think like that, because in reality, it was the truth. By me not succeeding in this, they wouldn't get to see each other again in this lifetime. And it would all be my fault. I placed the pillow over my ears to block out any noise, and then I cried until I could cry no more. After that, I slipped back into a dreamless, yet restless sleep.


The next day I was pacing about the house, nearly pulling my hair out from anticipation. It was killing me. I was thinking hard all day long, thinking about how I could manipulate my mother's actions through my vision. When I began getting frustrated with that, I moved on to thinking about who I wouldn't be able to save. I knew I could save my mother, and I knew I could save Chris. So who couldn't I save? It was confusing me, and it gave me a headache to think about it.

The answer is closer than you think. My grandmother said, her words echoing in my head. I shivered, and then squeezed my eyes shut. The answer is closer than you think... What did that mean?


A/N yeah, this is probably really super short.... I'm so sorry T-T plz forgive meee. I'll try to update, but I have no clue when I'll be able to. I'm more focused on some of my other stories at the moment, but I PROMISE I haven't forgotten about this one, so don't worry. I WILL update, I just don't know when. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and leave your thoughts below on what you think her grandmother meant.

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