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Leah's prov:
Where did she come from? She has to have a parent or a legal guardian right? Who the heck is "papa Thwax"?
"Mama Lewah, I'm leaving now papa Thrax is picking me up!" What to the huh?
I rushed out of the room to see what she meant only to find a large virus in my living room on the corner of my eye, so I grab Lilly and my gun, sure its not loaded but he doesn't know that.
"PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" oh gosh, I'm cornering a virus!!

Thrax's prov:
Your kidding me right?
I walk slow to the delusional blood cell and grab my kid-ur...I mean Lilly.
"Bye-bye mama Lewah~" really? Mama Leah? Now I'm jealous.
I then jumped out of the window and glided across the buildings in this pathetic body.
"Papa Thwax, do I have a mama Thwax?" My reaction=😨
"Yeah...no, women are meant to be out of my way and seduced by idiots!" Oh gosh I'm talking to a seven year old about sex...she's going to have an educational life!
"What does seduce mean?" Gosh...where do I start?
"Lilly...do you know where babies come from?" I ask Lilly as I begin to land.
"No" she replied.
"Well...you see a guy has what you call a dick or in this case a hotdog, and a women has an extra pair of lips which in this case is a taco, and there both located in your crotch region" I say as I point to the area but then got back to explaining.
"So you see, when a boy and a girl are both at least 18 and they love each other very much the boy will stick his hotdog in the girls taco repeating and that's what you call a boy or man seducing a woman or girl, and afterwords if the man is not wearing a condom the woman will gain pregnancy and have a baby, so that's where babies come from" I have finally finished explaining this to a seven year old...she's going to be ripped from her innocents.
"Question" Lilly blurts out of nowhere.
"Yeah?" I ask as I look at the baby blood cell.
"Can girls impregnate a guy?" ...............................................................................................
How do I put this nicely?
"Lilly, do girls have dicks?" I ask politely.
"No" she answers.
"Do man have an extra pair of lips?" I ask yet again politely.
"No" she answers yet again.
"Then no" I say as I pick her up and try to glide out of the body, all I heard was a gun shot and a pain in my side, then everything became black.

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