Wheres Liam?

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"wake up" said jesse as she yelled loud enough that people in greece could hear her. "aghh, what time is it" zayn said scraching his head. "time, to get up" jesse said. "im up" niall said. "me too" said harry. As every body got up gage came back. "im here!" said gage happily and ready, accept for the part jesse been sleeping on the floor with totally strangers.And where her crush has to see her look like she came from the swomp and has to find liam. They walked and walked until they found a really long scroll that had letters that spelled help neatly and save liam, lucky enough the clouds left foot prints. "How are you doing?" said gage to jesse."This hard then i thought" said jesse. As they stopped where niall pulled jesse hand as she almost fell and where a venus flytrap snapped at them. "the venus flytap is the size as..!" said jesse. " A MINOTAUR!"said gage as they ran fast into this pit and they went deep in pit where the minotaur shaped plant couldnt reach them.* jesse bumped into this boy liam* "who are you?" said jesse being the only to ask. "no, who are you?" the voice said almost quetly. "we come in peace"harry said trying to make someone laugh. "HARRY, its me liam" said liam. "hey,liam" said niall. they four hugged happily. Just then liam wispered "who are they'' said liam. '' and whos she " he said with excitement. '' Im, jesse the one that saved your friends'' said jesse."thanks for saving them''said liam.''your welcome"said as she smiled. Niall grabbed jesse so they could talk."hey"said jesse surprised to be pulled from crowd hugging." look at the stars'' said niall when he turned."Yeah, its like you can touch them" said jesse just as went to look back at niall, he kissed her again.he felt he was touching the stars.after the kiss jesse and niall left the spot. wih hearts with thier eyes.''ohh'' said niall to zayn."whats wrong niall'' said zayn with stupid face.'' just jesse she amazing''said niall smilling as big a watermelon."aghh, good i guess but you cant be inlove you have a girlfriend''said zayn with his mouth open wide.''OOOOh noooo'' said niall.

TO BE CONTINUE.......  SoO  ExCitiNG!!!!!      

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