Someone Trying To Enter the Portal!!!!!

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''LOOK''! said jesse. ''what now'' gage said in a face as if he was tired of surprises. "well lets go now'' gage said loudly. they horried as cheetah chasing its prey. as they were going to see the intruder they got a letter that's was for jesse welcoming jesse as a demigod.''if they know I know im a god that means they know about this portal'' said jesse.''why haven't they done anything'' said gage??? ''I don't know''said jesse. They entered where the portal was located as they closer it turned into five people." Who are you" jesse said in a scared voice." were one direction" niall said happily.'' What are you doing in a storage room" said jesse . " we were running away from screaming fans and its was the only place to go" harry said."Well get out " said gage."No lets stay" zayn said then winked at jesse. just then gage turned really annoyed when the five boys was flirting with jesse. as they were flirting to jesse one of the boys were leaning the wall and went threw it."wait wheres liam " zayn said. " he went through the portal"gage said. "You saw him go through the wall and you didn't do anything" jesse said. "Why should I care" said gage. "Ugh, lets just go" jesse said about to break a sweat. "ok" said gage. they walked into the portal had mest up and made a alternate gap where left Niall, Zayn and Jesse. and Louis and gage got send back on earth. "What, where are we" said Jesse? "Your on me" Zayn said. "My bad" as jesse said wiping dust off her knees."It's okay" zayn said as smiled. " Whats your problem" said jesse. " It's just how he acts" said niall . " why haven't you talked" said jesse. " He's like's you" zayn said." ahhhhh, of course" said jesse as she smiled at niall friendly. " we should go and find lam" said jesse. "it's liam" said niall."ok" said jesse. they went Into this room filled with diamonds "gold diamonds".it was that end see a person it was harry."what are you doing here" said jesse. " ummmm, not following you" said harry. " why are you sassy" said jesse. " I don't know but I saw liam walk this way" said harry. jesse rolled her eyes and followed harry until they got to this point where they all fell. they went in a cloudy place where a person stood." is everyone okay"said jesse." no." said zayn and harry."WHAT ARE MORTALS DOING HERE" said the god of all god ZEUS. " They are....not mortals, they are mermaids" said jesse trying to convince zeuzs's."Dont worry my child I know you are the daughter Pandora and I know you entered the gates cause you curious" said zeus. " You do" jesse said." Yes, it runs threw your genes" said zues. " But since you made this problem you can fix it yourself" zeus said as he zapped away. "Ookaay, i'll just take niall with me and i'll send two back on earth" said jesse. "nooo, I don't want to go" said harry."ok, we can stay here camp out just this night" said jesse . jesse gave each boy as cold rag of healing grass. "why haven't I meet you" said niall." cause I was  million miles away from you" said jesse." ohhh, yeah but you got a goddess beauty, that would make every boy like you, like me" said niall.. " thanks" jesse said and smiled and when he reached trying to kiss jesse. harry interupted  them "I need help" harry said, as jesse was getting more grass harry said to nail " better luck next time" said harry making as kissy trying to tease niall." what is wrong here" said jesse?"my cheek got scrapped and my arm hurts" said harry."so what were talking about with niall" said harry. " nothing really" jesse said. "your face got a big scratch " said harry."ill deal with it later" said jesse." oh no a pretty face should not get hurt" said harry."okkkkay"jesse said as harry was reaching out to kiss jesse. "im so sorry I have to go to sleep" jesse said as she was not going to sleep but went to niall. " hey sorry for being pulled by harry"said jesse . "its ok" said niall. "so where was we'' niall said reaching out to kiss  jesse. they kissed so sweetly as dancing honeysuckles." bye" said jesse." Byeeee"niall said as if he was in love.

TO BE CONTINUED....DUM DUM DUM......????!!!??  

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