A Flicker of Love To Light The Darkness

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Aradia's P.O.V.

I woke up in a cold room. The lighting was dim and I felt very alone. The I.V. in my right arm was pumping blood into my system, and the bandages on my left arm needed changing. I turned my head to the left, noticing I had oxygen tubing in my nose. When I turned, I saw Cole; passed out and disheveled. He seemed so weak, almost as week as I was. I tried to speak, but I couldn't find enough breath to do so. Cole's arm fell from under him, startling him awake. I looked at him, and he realized I was awake.

"Aradia!" He stumbled to get to me. When he did, he carefully took my hand in his, trying not to move my arm for fear of it bleeding again. He kissed it, and I attempted a smile.

"Oh, thank GOD! Aradia, Baby...I thought I was going to lose you." A tear formed in his eye. I mustered up enough strength to speak.

"I'm sorry." Another tear. 

"Aradia, don't be sorry. I'm sorry for not listening. I'm sorry you had to be pushed so far. I love you, and I don't want you to be so sad. You mean so much to me; you don't even know."

"I...will never..." I began speaking. He was about to interrupt me, but I finished my sentence.

"...be good...enough...for anyone." He broke down and yelled at me.

"YOU ARE MORE THAN GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME! HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THAT?" I laid there, frightened. He noticed and calmed himself.

"I'm so sorry, Babe. I'm so sorry, my beautiful girl..." He cried hard as I, too, allowed one single teardrop to fall. I would have held him if I'd been able.

Once I got my voice back, I told Cole everything; every single negative thought I had ever had. He was horrified.

"How could such a wonderful person feel so much pain and sorrow? How could you have been burdened with such negativity? Aradia, I'm so sorry." I tried to sit up, but I was out of energy. My loving boyfriend helped me and as he did, he hugged me. We talked for hours about good things and bad, and as we did, our love grew stronger. I told him secrets I'd never told anyone before, and he told me his own hidden truths. I felt so much better after a while. I finally had someone I could trust in this world; someone I knew I could turn to for anything: Cole.

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