Chapter 13(Revised)

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Aubrey's P.O.V

I hurried and put on some white shorts and an aqua shirt. I threw my hair into a loose ponytail and went downstairs.

Derek wasn't done yet, so I started watching Tv.

He finally came downstairs and I asked "you ready?"

He replied "usually that would be my question to ask."

. "I don't take very long to get ready" I told him.

"Wow, surprising" he said.

"You're not even ready for it" I smirked.

He laughed and said "let's go".

We arrived at a small cafe. I ordered a medium iced caramel latte with whip cream and a 6 stacked pancakes. Derek ordered the same with a large coffee.

While we were waiting for our orders I asked him "do you have any rules for living in your house?"

He looked surprised by my question. "Ummm no, just look over the house while I'm away" he responded.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

He explained to me that on his job when he gets called on cases, he's usually gone from 2-3 days depending on when they catch the suspect.

"Oh" I said sounding way to disappointed then intended.

"So, you never told me what you do for a living" he said.

I told him how I was an OBGYN (baby deliverer).

"What about your family, how are they like?"

That question caught me off guard. I took a deep breath and exhaled before continuing.

"Actually my whole family was murdered in our home when I was 6. I was sleeping, he didn't see me so he didn't kill me, but he did see my parents and all my brothers and shot them. I woke up because of the noise and saw their bodies. So I lived in and out of foster houses until I was 18, but I would always because of the abuse" I said way to casual.

"Wow, I'm sorry" he said his voice full of sympathy.

"Yea now sometimes when I close my eyes I could see there cold lifeless body" I said.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Well I have 2 sisters and a widowed mother back in Chicago.

"What happened to your dad?" I asked curiously.

"He was uh murdered in the line of duty when I was 10, I watched him die" he said with no emotion.

"Sorry, but I bet he would've been proud to see that his son became a handsome man and followed in his footsteps" I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Thanks" he chuckled.

"So what exactly is a profiler?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"Well, I basically know how criminals think and other people based on their a actions and body language.

"Profile me" I said, the words coming out before I could stop them.

He looked me over paused for a second then responded "you're natural considering you don't wear make up. You don't need it" he added making me blush.

"You're embarrassed easily" he said addressing my red face.

"You don't trust very easy and you're scared to be in relationship of fear of a broken heart" he said.

I stared at my lap for awhile before I excused myself from the table and rushed (almost ran) to the bathroom and broke down crying.


Derek's P.O.V

I think I hit a nerve I thought I as I watched Aubrey walk to the bathroom.

Obviously something happened in her past. I should've realized it before I thought to myself.

I just wanted her to know she could trust me with anything.

The waitress picked up the tab and I left a generous tip.

When Aubrey finally came out of the bathroom, her eyes were red and dripped with sadness.

I stood up and followed her out the door. The ride back home was uncomfortably quiet.

I kept glancing at her, but she just remained quiet and stared out the window.

She tried to hide the fact that she had been crying but if failed miserably.

When we arrived home she ran up the stairs and I heard the door close with a thud.

I'm such and idiot I thought to myself I as I slumped onto the couch.

I replayed the hour's event in my head over and over again. I was still thinking when Aubrey came down and said "Derek I need to talk to you."

My head snapped up. I stood up and walked over to the couch and took a seat. Aubrey came and took a seat next to be and continued.

"I know I've only know you for a little over 24 hours, but I already feel like I could trust you with my life. I haven't told anyone this besides Rachel" she said.

I looked curiously at her and urged her to continue. "Well" she began.........

I didn't check the last ch 13 for spelling or any kinds mistakes. so I found out I messed up big time when DA bestie told me. So I read it and decided to revise It and repost chapter 13. Sorry if missed anything. It'll make more sense promise. Love you guy💖


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