The start

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Sara looked back at Kendra and Rays little 1960's love pad. They had made a nice cozy home for themselves. She couldn't take them anymore. Ray still had hope the Waverider was coming back and Kendra was becoming Mrs. Ray Palmer more by the day.

She headed towards the only place she might feel at home, Nanda Parbet. She knew it would be different. She knew that Nyssa wasn't even born yet. It was still the only place she would feel safe.

The fastest way would be by plane but as she had no money and no idea how to find a pilot who would take her there she decided to just go on foot to the nearest outpost and get to the main league from there. She headed toward the desert because the out post would be hidden in the sand.

She walked for what seemed hours. Her feet hurt. It was scorching hot and she had just finished off her last water bottle. She saw a corner store, probably the last one before she reached the desert itself. Taking the little money she did have she headed inside.

It was nice and cool and she started to wonder if she should just turn around and take herself back to the Palmer residence. She thought about the vases and shook that idea out of her head.

She grabbed a couple of water bottles and some snacks and as she was heading to pay she saw a shadow that made her jaw drop. Right outside the door stood Chronos. "Ah fuck" she said out loud.

Ducking into the nearest aisle she peeked her head up and saw he was heading toward the store. She didn't want anyone else getting hurt so before even thinking, she dashed out the front door making sure that Chronos saw her. She was half glad and half scared when she saw he was chasing her.

She ran to the back of the store and hid in some of the empty boxes. She could hear the clanging of the metal boots heading her way.

Sara tried to think really hard what her next plan of action was going to be. She couldn't take Chronos on her own, she knew that much. She closed her eyes and just prayed that he would live and let live.

Suddenly all her worst fears were realized. Feeling a strong hand grip her collar, she was pulled out of her box fort and came face to face with the one man who had been chasing them for such a long while.

Sara jerked and kicked trying to get away from him but he had a death grip on her. With Sara in tow Chronos headed back to his ship.

Stepping inside Sara fought harder. She didn't know what he was going to do but she was sure she wouldn't like it.

As they entered he continually looked around, like he was scared of something. Though it was probably just him having to deal with that armor he was always in Sara thought to herself. They entered the main room and her jaw dropped at what she saw.

Sitting in a seat in the middle of the room was Leonard. "Leonard" Sara screamed when she saw him. Leonard looked her way and smiled. "Welcome Sara. Glad you could join us" he said with a menacing smile.

Sara couldn't believe what she was seeing. Chronos put her down and went over to where Leonard was sitting. Leonard removed the helmet, and Sara saw that Chronos was actually Mick. "What the fuck Mick"? Sara screamed but they weren't paying attention. Leonard kissed Mick deeply on the lips.

Sara sat down where she stood. This was getting odder by the minute. First she found out Mick was Chronos and then the guy she had been trying to get with is kissing another guy. She laid back and stared at the roof hoping it would make her wake up.

The clanking of Chronos's armor made her sit up again and she found herself staring into Mick and Leonard's faces. "Get away from me you traitor" Sara screamed at Mick. Leonard slapped her "you never call him that again. If you want a traitor its our wonderfully dumbshit captain." Leonard said with anger behind every syllable. "What do you mean?" Sara says rubbing the spot where Leonard had slapped her.

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