Their Mutilation

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A/N: Hopefully you love the suspense ;) Im sorry to say, but it's soon coming to an end, lovelies. Thanks for your support!



Chapter14: Their mutilation


Everyone was stationed. Our back ups had back ups. My father sat on the peak of the cliff and scouted the area, but he was mainly trying to sniff her out-Ingrid I mean. He wasn't interested in anyone else. It disgusted me of his fascination of ending her life.

A branch snapped a few yards away. My ears perked and I stood erect, sniffing at the air in search of the enemy's scent. It was only a small hare.

I sighed, pacing back and forth.

The opposing pack was due here by now-well there's not an exact time we set up to fight, but at least have the damned respect to show up before us or seconds after. It's nearly been an hour and we tired of waiting. Even our blood lust has simmered.

The quieting of the forest symbolized the approach of our enemy. I gripped the weapon in my hands tightly. My father leapt from where he was perched and came by my side. Growling with his hackles raised, he lowered herself to the ground.

The sound of crunching sticks a rustling leaves alerted us all.

My father ordered everyone to move in from their hiding spot and prepare themselves. Not a very smart tactic, but it wasn't smart to question him.

A familiar scent was carried through the gust of wind; an all to familiar scent in fact.

I furrowed me brow thinking deeply.

He had the audacity to show his face, so be it we'll have to kill him as well.

A brown scruffy wolf leapt from the bushes.

"Tylor," I growled, taking a step towards him, the weapon I wielded vibrating in my hands, as I summoned the power to enable it to work.

Tylor flashed his teeth, positioning himself in a battle ready stance.

Raising the weapon the wind began to pick up, rustling my hair and the leaves of the trees. A small bright spear formed at the end of the staff like weapon. Aiming towards him I raised the staff, and the small spear flew towards him.

Tylor leapt out of the way, clumsily landed on a rock pulling a yelp from his lips.

I laughed coldly, "You always were a klutz. Never nimble on those paws of yours. I don't know what Ingrid sees in you, your nothing. And you'll always be nothing."

To my surprise, Tylor cackled. It was a twisted laugh, a nasty mix of an animal like sound and gurgling. He raised his tail and held his head high challenging me.

Annoyed with his little show of confidence, I aimed for him again. Once again he moved out of the way. Irritated with the poor accuracy of my range skills I tossed aside the weapon.

Ripping my shirt from my torso, I charged towards Tylor, "Stupid staff. Want anything done I guess you'll have to so it yourself around here. First I'll mangle you then find where Ingrid and those mutts of hers are hiding out."

I leapt I to the air, shifting in mid air. My muscles ached and twisted; a ferocious growl erupted from within me, it was here, my wolf, and he was pissed.

* * * *


I watched from a far, as Tylor proved himself of being a loyal follower.

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