I need you: Part 2/ cont.

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Hello again this is the continuation of the last chapter I just really wanted to continue it. Sorry if this is boring.

Word count: 1304

Genre: fluffy


Nobody knew about them... well except Maya of course but they kept the rest of they're friends and family In the dark.

After Smackle and Farkle broke up, everything for better. Turns out they were better at being friends than boyfriend and girlfriend. They still worked together with homework and in chemistry class.

Farkle and Riley on the other hand do not know what the hell personal space is. At Topangas' Riley would sit on the ground in between Farkle's legs. No body really found it weird though, but when started conversing and flirting like couple, it got weird. At one point Maya had to pull them aside and tell them to keep the lovey-Dovey stuff behind closed doors unless they want everyone to know their dating.

They appealed to Maya and tried to keep the romantic stuff on the down low. At the bay window and couch he sat next too Riley. Lucas and Zay began to wonder 'why the sudden switch?', of course they new that Smackle and him had broken up. They remember exactly what happened.

Smackle came back into Topangas with tears streaming down her face. Both Lucas and Zay turned to her,

"Uh...what's wrong Smackle? Where's Farkle?"  Lucas had asked gesturing for Zay to go get some tissues. Lucas took Smackle to one of the seats and sat her down gently bending over trying to calm her. Zay soon came back with tissues and chocolate bar,

"Here" Zay said handing the chocolate bar to Smackle. "Now what's wrong ms. Brains"

"I broke up with Farkle"

"What he do?"

"Nothing I just couldn't stand it anymore, he needs Riley, he doesn't need me"

"We all need you now let's go catch a chick-flic I heard there's a new one with Ryan gosling" Zay said. Zay took Smackle by the hand and lead her out the door. Lucas told them he would have to rain check saying those just aren't my movies.

Instead he went to Riley's bay window to check and see if she was alright and if Maya was there. Instead he found Farkle and Riley hugging, tightly clinging on to each other. Lucas felt like he was intruding so backed away from the bay window slowly, almost tripping but he still made it out.

So one day they both pulled Farkle aside in the pit. Yes the pit.

"Uh, what did y'all want to talk about" Farkle said scratching the back of his neck. He was worried what he did something stupid by accident and offended somebody, oh who was he kidding he's never stupid. Okay maybe once. Or twice. Or 500 times, but that's not the point.

"We want to talk to you about Riley"

"What ab-bout Riley?!" Man this boy was ecstatic. Farkle was starting to realize they had been caught. 6 months.

"Farkle we know somethings up" Zay said biting into a donut.


"Do you like Riley?"

"Of course I like Riley she's my best friend"


"I love her, But y'all guys already knew about that."

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