bruises n' ribs

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Riley honestly hated herself. she wasn't pretty and defiantly not skinny enough, according to her boyfriend, Charlie. he told her to stop eating and she obeyed because if she didn't he'd hurt her. she didn't need anymore things to hide from her parents. although everyone thought Charlie was so nice. little did they know.

Riley sat at the table pushing her food around with her fork. this wouldn't be the be the first time she hadn't eaten dinner.

"come one riley eat something" Auggie said, nudging her under the table, Riley set her fork down and pushed her plate away even though her stomach grumbled. "I'm not hungry i'll be in my room"

she looked at Auggie who looked at her with a sad face. sometimes she wished kids weren't so attentive about feelings. she stood up and went to her room, letting her back slide down the door as it closed. she cried into her knees.

Riley didn't want to do this to herself but she was scared of Charlie. He was so strong and she was so weak.

she sat there all night until sun rose. she had been drifting in and out of conciseness, not knowing what was real and what wasn't. Riley got up and put on a loose shirt and hoodie. she didn't even own a hoodie like this one, it was probably Farkle's. She wore it anyways, even though if Charlie noticed she'd get slapped.

Riley put on her make up to hide the sulking features from not eating or sleeping. she skipped breakfast and headed  down to the subway where she met Maya and the rest of the group. The said nothing. Although Farkle looked at her with worry, he had always seen right through her secrets, but he never said anything in case he was wrong, and he's never wrong.

as soon as they got to school Charlie greeted the group slinking his arm around her waist tightly. Riley flinched at his cold touch. She wanted to run. Riley had always felt like she was at fault for letting it happen, for not breaking up with him before he got to controlling, but now it was to late.

he leaned down and whispered into her ear, "wow, you really lost some weight, you look good"

Riley's face contorted in disgust  she ripped away from him and looked back at him in anger, but his grip tightened around her wrist. she cried out in pain catching everyones attention. That wrist was still sprained from when he yanked her to hard.

This was the last straw, She was done letting him use her like a toy. she had bruises everywhere and if she didn't stop him there'd be more.

"let go of me!" she yelled at him, "were done"  she ripped away from him, but he pulled her back making her whimper in pain.

"your embarrassing me" he said angrily. suddenly a person came up behind her

"she said let go" Riley looked back at the person, Farkle. He had a murderous look in his eyes, as threatening word flowed out of his mouth, "look we could do this the easy way or the hard way, because if you don't let go i have a bottle of acid in my backpack that will burn your skin to the bone"

Charlie let go slowly before running away down the hallway. What a coward. tears fell down her face, she turned around and let herself crumble into Farkle's arms.  Farkle wrapped his arms around her and Riley cried into his shoulder. He held her by the waist, he could feel her ribs. "Oh my god Riley when was the last time you ate? i can feel your ribs."

No one even asked Riley about how skinny she had gotten until now, they had all though that she was on some gruesome diet. Maya remembered a couple days ago Auggie had told her to pay attention if Riley was eating or not.

When Riley knew her secret was out. She just cried more into his shoulder, "please don't cry, and do that shit to yourself over some boy that doesn't see how good you are, Riley"

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