Entry 7

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Junmyeon sighed as he drummed his fingers against the table. He had cooked dinner and set everything up. He wanted to light a few candles but maybe that was pushing it. After all that time after...her death, Junmyeon never felt anything for anyone else but Yixing caught him off guard.
Swooping in like an angel, saying how he could save Jaehin....make her one hundred percent better. That's a godsend to Junmyeon. And he wasn't going to lie, all those times they went out for coffee or lunch he enjoyed himself. A lot.

Junmyeon just wished there was a way to repay Yixing, for the kindness he showed Junmyeon.

Junmyeon was pulled out of his thoughts by the doorbell ringing. That must be Yixing.
He stood up and straightened his sweater. He needed to look impeccable for Yixing.

Junmyeon swung the door open with a smile. That smile faltered when he saw Baekhyun leaning against the doorframe.
"Hey sexy, ready for our date?" He asked proactively, wiggling his eyebrows. Junmyeon rolled his eyes and shut the door in his face.

"W-wait!!" He heard the muffled shout of Baekhyun from the other side. He also heard giggle, very familiar, child like giggling.
No way. Yixing said she wasn't due home for another month or so. He swung open the door to see Yixing smiling widely with Jaehin in his arms.

Junmyeon let out a cry, "Oh my baby, my beautiful baby." He quickly took Jaehin in his arms, smothering her in kisses. He wiped away a stray tear and gently put Jaehin down.


"I lied. To surprise you. Are you surprised?"
Junmyeon let out a laugh as he hugged Yixing, wrapping his arms tightly around the latter's neck.
"Thank you....for everything."

Yixing wrapped his arms around Junmyeon's torso, pulling him closer.
"It's my pleasure, Jaehin is such a talented young girl with a lot of potential."
Junmyeon pulled away, still smiling. He studied Yixing's face. He leaned close and placed a gentle kiss on Yixing's cheek.
"Thank you." He whispered. Yixing flushed bright red as he stared at Junmyeon.

"What? No kiss for Baek?"

Junmyeon pulled Yixing inside and shut the door in Baekhyun's face.

Dear dairy,
The surprise went great! Junmyeon loved it. You should've seen the smile on his face when he saw Jaehin. He really cares for her. That's good. Every girl deserves a dad who would give up his life for her's. And something even better happened. Junmyeon kissed me! Yea I know it's not on the lips but hey, cheek's close enough.

But it confirmed one thing.

I like Junmyeon.
I like him a lot.


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