The Royal Mistake

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The evening bell rings through my chambers and I look down at myself. The raggedy old cloth used as an excuse for a dress ripped in more spots then it was this morning, which is understandable because I was working all day. I hear shouts from the upper floors and know that the King and Queen are yelling for my mother, and most possibly even for me.

      I sit down and pull on my brown slippers and put my UN brushed blonde hair into a bun on the top of my head and put on my what I like to call hat, but it’s actually a bonnet. I grab a couple Band-Aids from my lone wooden dresser and wrap them around the tips of my fingers so they don’t get ruined any more than they already are. 

      I hear thumps from upstairs and start to panic. They already started; the Queen is going to whip me. I run shaky hands over my dust covered and scratched face and run out of my room. I run to the servants stairs and take them two at a time. If i’m late again the queen is going to whip me, are the only thoughts that I let go through my head.

      I finally make it up the servant’s stairs and skid to a halt as I see the Queen talking to her daughter, Kianna. I walk over to them and kneel.

      “My Queen, Princess Kianna,” I look up at them, “what is it you want me to do?”

      The queen cuts Princess Kianna off in mid sentence. “You are Minnie’s daughter, the servant. Alana?” I nod but stay silent. You never ever, contradict the queen, or her daughter for that matter. The queen motions for me to stand, I do. She looks at me with the calculating and cold look i’m used to, “I want you to help Kianna get ready for dinner.”

      I look at her. “Me, your majesty?”

      She nods. “Yes. You are about the same age as Kianna.”

      I just nod and curtsy. “If it is your will I shall do it, my Queen.”

      She nods and turns away. Kianna looks at me and frowns. She turns to her mother. “I do not want a girl that dresses in a rag to help me get ready for dinner.”

      The queen puts up her hand and the person she was talking to cuts herself off. She turns to her daughter with a look that i’m very used to. It’s the look that says she is not happy. “You are to take what I give you Kianna. Do not complain any longer.” She briskly turns and walks away.

      Kianna groans and glares at me. “Seeming as if i’m stuck with you,” she curls her finger at me and turns, “come along.”

      I walk behind her at a respectable distance and hope that I do not disappoint her. I look around me and wish that I could live up here with Brianna, the queen’s personal maid instead of downstairs in the servant’s quarters, which isn’t very nice. My bedroom, as well as all the other servant’s bedrooms downstairs have just one small lumpy cot for a bed, and a small wooden dresser. The servant’s quarters are drab and dark, and there are rats. It’s very gross. There's no windows, well I shouldn't say there's none, I should say there is few, and the few that there is are covered in cob webs. The walls are a dark brown colour. It all reminds me of an dungeon.

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