The Royal Mistake - Chapter Two

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I look in awe at sights I have never seen before. This palace is even more amazing then I thought. The halls are lit with torches which in turn makes the walls glow with a scary glint to them. There’s carvings on the walls of angels, and pictures of the past kings and queens and—

      I stop walking and look at a picture that caught my eye. It’s princess Kianna with her parents as a baby but I swear, that’s me. As a baby Kianna and I even look alike. We both had hair that was so blonde we looked bald, big baby blue eyes, and were a little chubby, but it just made us cuter. I swear, if I didn’t know any better I would say that’s me. Princess Kianna and I have to have had at least one difference between us as babies.

      I can think of at least one difference between us now. Kianna was taller, but not by much. Maybe only a couple inches but something like that could give this away easily. Her mother could easily notice.

      “Princess.” The servant says while holding open a door for me. I nod and walk into the room and smile. My mom’s in here!

 “M—“ I instantly cut myself off. I’m not Alana anymore, i’m Kianna, this is no longer my mom.

      I stand in the doorway as she just stares at me, obviously waiting for me to say something. “What do I have to do?”

      My mom looks at me puzzled. “Did you hit your head or something?”

      I cringe. That hit a little too close to home. “No, I just forget what i’m doing here.”

      She shakes her head and mutters something. She motions for me to walk over and sit on the chair by the vanity desk. I do. I walk like how Kianna walked, with her back straight and her chin up a bit, like a snob. I sit down and put my hands in my lap.

      Mom grabs the hair brush off the table and runs it through my messy hair. She makes a face. “How come you let your hair get so naughty?”

      I glare at her through the mirror. “I would advise that you don’t say anything rude about my hair.”

      She nods and gives me a little curtsy. “Yes, I’m sorry princess.”

      I keep the snooty look on my face but watch as my mother slowly gets all the knots out of my hair and puts it in an elegant bun on the top of my head and puts a crown on it. She assesses me in the mirror and nods. “You love lovely princess.” I get up and touch the crown and moms face becomes puzzled. “Princess, if you don’t mind my asking, what’s on your fingers?”

      I look at my hands and my eyes go wide. I forgot about the band-aids I put on my fingers earlier. The tips of my fingers are red and so are the edges of the band-aids. I put them behind my back. “Yes, I do mind your asking,” I walk past her and out the door. I turn to my servant, “take me to dinner. Now.”

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