Worldless Not Wordless

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Standing and breathing. Sitting and relaxing. Maybe I'm just born with it. Not knowing what I did wrong in the moment but everybody else sees differently. Maybe I'm seeing through a pair of my own special glasses. Maybe I'm looking through a special pair of contacts. I don't know what magic has takened place but what I do know is that I see differently from what everybody else sees. I'm like a plastic doll with a rubber head which is easy to bend and manipulate. But my body is tough and it's against my head. I think differently and I am different from me. Maybe I need a world to see in and see what light is. I can use my words and words can only get me so far. I just need to see it for myself. Maybe I'm just born this way and it's different from what others wanted me to be. I need a world more than my words

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