Chapter 4

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"Focus, Graypaw. Don't let your enemy distract you," Sootstar growled.

A half moon had passed and Graypaw was in the training glen, practicing battle moves. Today she'd been paired with Fawnpaw, to set up slightly less-fair battle to see how Graypaw would adapt to someone with more training than her. Patchfoot stood off to the side, observing his own apprentice.

"Focus on their weaknesses," Sootstar was meowing. "Make them your strengths."

Graypaw noted that Fawnpaw's only real weakness was her occasional clumsiness, but that could never be guaranteed.

Suddenly the cream she-cat launched herself at Graypaw. The gray apprentice ducked, and the older apprentice went soaring over her head. Before Fawnpaw had a chance to recover, Graypaw had whirled around and pounced on her, trying to grip onto Fawnpaw's shoulders.

"Remember, she's stronger than you, Graypaw," Patchfoot hissed. Just as he spoke, Graypaw felt Fawnpaw's muscles begin to bunch up, and if she was preparing to throw her off. In a split second, Graypaw tried to jump off, but she was a heartbeat late, and was thrown to the other side of the clearing. Dazed, Graypaw shook her head to focus her sight again. A blurred cream figure was approaching her.

"Are you okay?" she heard Fawnpaw ask. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

After her eyesight returned to normal, Graypaw clambered to her paws, reassuring Fawnpaw that she was fine.

"In a real battle you wouldn't be," Patchfoot growled. "You showed a weakness by approaching an enemy the wrong way."

Sootstar nodded in agreement. "Always keep in mind that your opponent is trying to do the same thing." He shook out his black fur. "Try again."

Mouse-dung! Graypaw cursed to herself. The next gathering was tomorrow night, and she had to impress her leader to prove her worthy of going.

This time when Fawnpaw charged at her, Graypaw simply side-stepped, flicking out a paw as the cream apprentice streaked past, catching her hind paw. The older she-cat flipped over due to her momentum and crashed into her back. From there, Graypaw was able to pounce onto the other apprentice and pin her to the ground.

Sootstar was nodding in approval. "Very good!" the black tom praised. "Just a tip: you can inflict a lot of damage from your current position, but just remember not to linger, because Fawnpaw could-"

His voice was cut off as a strong pair of hind legs were forced into Graypaw's belly, knocking the air out of her and once again sending her flying.

"-do that," Sootstar finished with a chuckle. "Good training today, you two. Let's head back to camp."


"Did Sootstar say who was going?" Buzzardpaw asked around a mouthful of vole. Graypaw shook her head.

"Not yet," she mewed.

It was the next day; dusk was fast approaching, and Sootstar had yet to announce who was going the gathering. Graypaw was too excited to eat, very jumpy at the prospect of her first gathering.

"You're gonna regret not eating later," Fawnpaw mewed, sitting beside Graypaw. "You'll get hungry. You should eat something."

With a sigh, Graypaw clambered to her paws and padded over to the fresh-kill pile. After glancing over it several times, Graypaw chose a small mouse to eat by herself, not wanting to be selfish and take a large piece.

Just as the young apprentice settled down to eat her small meal, Sootstar appeared from his den. The black tom paused to speak with Icyfoot before launching himself up into the ledge.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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