Choking Fit

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Startled out of our lust filled gazes, Valentino took a step back from me realizing that his sister was in our presence. Nakedness between siblings wasn't an awkward situation as most siblings train together and are bound to see each other naked at one point.

I stayed in my wolf form not wanting Victoria or Valentino to see me in the nude. I wasn't completely comfortable being in front of the brother and sister duo without clothing. Valentino didn't press for me to shift and they seemed to be engrossed in a silent conversation together as  he stared at her intently. She still had the flesh of the deer hanging from her jaws and my wolf was starving from our run. Knowing she probably wouldn't share, I kept back and waited until they had broken their conversation.

Valentino looked at me with just a small hint of lust that reminded me of the events that had just transpired moments ago. Wanting to speak to him, I created a mind link with him.

"Why didn't you tell me about the bonfire tonight? I had to find out from your sister that I barely knew even existed." I said exasperated. I hated being the only one that didn't know about things. I liked to be in the loop.

He crossed his large muscular arms across his broad chest. "It was meant to be a surprise for you but I guess it's ruined now."  I didn't miss the slight eye roll at the end of his sentence.

"A surprise? For me?" I asked dumbfounded. I knew that's what he just said but I was still shocked that someone was actually planning something out for me.

"No one else is worth my time creating a surprise for but you." He grunted out.

If I was in my human, I would've blushed but then I thought about what he said. Would he really not plan a surprise for his own sister? Or father?

I mentally rolled my eyes. "That's sweet but it makes you sound like an airhead."

"An airhead?" He questioned. Did he seriously not know what that was?
"You know what, enough with this. Let's head back." He stated while shifting back into his large wolf. With his command, Valentino and I ran side by side back to the pack house. The journey there actually seemed much shorter than the run going. I'm not sure why that was but it always seemed like that where ever I went.

Before we knew it, we had ended up back in front of the tree we left our clothes in. After making sure Valentino was turned around, I shifted back to my human form. Before putting on my clothes, I stretched out my limbs, enjoying hearing them pop and crack. Not wasting any more time, I quickly put on my clothes and instructed Valentino to turn back around.

He gave me a once over, grunted and started walking to the backdoor of the pack house. I trailed after him taking the time to admire his backside. His butt filled out the basketball shorts he had on very nicely.

I didn't realize he had stopped in his tracks until I had run straight into his muscular back.

"Having fun staring at my ass Cara?" He inquired without turning around.

I blushed hard. How the hell could he have known that? I wasn't staring that hard. Was I?

"I..I wasn't staring..pfft." I could feel my blush spreading down my neck. God. I was such an awful liar.

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