Tall, Dark, and Handsome

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The sharp shrill of my alarm next to me jolted me quickly out of my slumber. Quickly hitting it to silence it, I turned into my back and stared up at the ceiling.  My thoughts were instantly on him. I had gone too far last night and I was basically going against my own rules.

I sighed deeply and sat up to begin preparing myself for the long day ahead.

Looking out the window, the sun hadn't quite risen yet and the sky was still an inky black color. I could faintly hear the sound of cars rushing past, all off to unknown locations.

Grabbing my phone, I quickly checked it for any missed texts or calls. Of course there were plenty from him but there were also some from Taylor. I wasn't surprised as I had left fairly quickly from her house last night. I responded to them quickly and set my phone down. No use in procrastinating more than I should.

I swung my sleep heavy legs from my bed and stood up. I patted my hair and frowned. I didn't need to look in a mirror to know that it looked like I had been in the middle of a tornado.

My thoughts were confirmed when I walked into the bathroom across the hall.

My striking red hair was stuck up at such angles that I didn't think possible. I was always such a rough sleeper. When my best friend and I shared beds, she would always complain that I would literally assault her in my sleep. She proved this by showing me the numerous bruises that I had caused.

Let's just say she avoids sleeping near me at all costs.

I hopped in the shower quickly knowing that I didn't have a moment to spare. I washed down my body and thoroughly washed my hair. I had decided to dye it after the death of my brother. He had been caught off guard while doing patrol around our pack and was brutally murdered by rouges. The only piece left that I had of him from that day was his hat that they had left intact. I kept in on my dresser and on certain days I would just hold it in my hands and reflect on his life. When it held it, it almost felt as if he was still there with me.


His favorite color had always been red since the moment he was born. When my parents would try and put something other than red on him when he was baby, they said he would instantly start crying.  I wanted to commemorate his death by dying my hair red. No one complained about it knowing my reasoning but my mother was little off put by it because it was such a bright red. I didn't care though. It would serve as a reminder of my brother Danny.

After my shower I went through my daily routine of brushing my teeth, doing my hair and putting on a small amount of makeup. Not much though, I didn't want to look like a complete clown. Just a little mascara and a bit of lip gloss.

I looked at my reflection and stared. I looked completely different then I did 4 years ago. That Cara died when my brother did. The new me was confident and proud and I intended to keep it that way.

Grabbing my phone and bag, I descended downstairs to hear the chatter of my family. Shortly after my brothers death, my mother had found out she was pregnant with my twin siblings. They named them Dan and Daniela after my brother.

"Good morning everyone." I said as I sat down at my place next to my siblings. For just 4 years old, they were extremely smart. They could each hold a simple conversation with anyone they met. Daniela was a little more outgoing than Dan but they both wouldn't shy away from strangers.

I looked over at my dad who was currently sipping coffee with a huge stack of papers next to him.

"Morning princess. Late start this morning yeah?" My dad resounded without looking up from his paper. My dad was the current Alpha of our pack and he ruled with an iron fist. Although everyone knew that when he got around his family he turned into a total softie. Everyone adored him for his no bullshit rules and close knit ties with the pack.

I chewed my food before answering, "Yeah, I took a little longer to do my hair."

He raised his eyebrows, "Since when do you care about your hair? Trying to impress your mate?"

"For the last time Daddy, Carson is not my mate." For the past year and a half or so since I started hanging with Carson, my dad was certain that he was my mate. We wouldn't know officially until I turned 18 which happened in exactly 3 days. However I had a gut feeling that he wasn't and my wolf, Sofie didn't either.

We weren't dating but we weren't exactly friends. I told him I wanted to save myself for my mate and he respected that...somewhat. We both had certain needs and we sometimes used each other to rid ourselves of those needs. Plus he wasn't really the type that I went for anyways. I liked my men tall, dark, and handsome like my coffee.

However Carson wasn't ugly, far from actually. He was the dream guy for all the unmated females in our school. And boy did they give me shit for being with him.

"Are you sure? Because you guys spend so much time together.." He replied.

I rubbed my temples, "Yes, Daddy. Sofie says he isn't. She can feel it."

He gave a grunt in response and went back to the papers he was working on.

My mom peeked her head into the dining room, "Cara, I need you this afternoon after school."

I groaned, "For what?" I wasn't actually upset and I didn't mind helping her because of her pregnancy but I had plans with Taylor after school.

"The Moonlight Pack is visiting to look over our fighters and they plan on staying for dinner. I need you to help in making the food. It won't take long." She said.

"Yeah, that's cool I guess." I said. No use in fighting that.

"Shouldn't you be heading to school princess?" My dad said while looking at his watch.

"Fuck!" I looked at the clock and jumped up. I kissed my mom and dad and ruffled my brother and sisters hair. They waved their chubby hands at me and shouted their goodbyes.

"Watch your language young lady!" I heard my mom yell from behind me.

"Sorry! Bye everyone!" I yelled as I raced out the door towards the prison that was waiting on me.

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