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My mind was a foggy mess. The last time I had exerted myself this much, I was out for six days straight. My father had tried to tell me to keep it to a minimal but I needed to do whatever was needed to pull Sofie back. I had forgotten what a stubborn and hard headed wolf she was. I expected her to put up a fight. But I wasn't prepared for what she put me through.

I needed to get up. I tried to open my eyes but it felt like they were glued shut.

What the hell?

Trying again, I could feel some of the fog lift as my senses came back to me one by one. I could barely register something lightly brushing against my hand. It just kept repeating this motion over and over. It was actually quite comforting in my state.

Trying to get a feel for my surroundings, I tried to sense who was in the room. I only felt one presence that was very close to me. I couldn't pinpoint who it was but I hoped it wasn't who I thought it was.

Knowing my luck, it probably was.

Come on Cara, you can do this. I could feel my hands now. They were stiff but I put all my energy into trying to move them. When I felt my hand life slightly off the bed, I felt a rush of adrenaline.

When I did that the motion on my other hand stopped abruptly. I could hear mumbling, like someone was trying to talk to me. From what I could tell, it definitely was masculine.

Mustering up the last of my strength, I finally opened my eyes to a black ceiling. I knew at that moment where I was.

His room.

"Baby girl? Come on, let daddy see those beautiful eyes of yours." I could barely recognize the voice as my father. What was he doing here?

I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head to the right to reveal my father. Looking at him, he looked like the ghost of the man I had grew up calling father. There were bags underneath his eyes that made him look older than what he really was. His beard was grown out further than what he would ever allow. And honestly he looked like he'd been awake for days.

"There we go..lets get you some water hm?" I saw him reach to the bedside table and grab a glass of water and gently guide it to my lips. Some of the water dribbled down my chin and I greedily drunk it all down. The water was a big relief to my parched throat. 

After he set down the empty glass, he wiped off the excess water from my chin being extra delicate like I was made of glass. "Everyone was so worried about you Cara. Your mate started freaking out after you didn't wake up the first night. He had to be held down by most of his warriors. I tried to reassure him that this had happened before but I suppose that wasn't the best move." He chuckled lightly and continued on. "You're probably wondering how I'm here hm?"

I nodded my head slowly.

"Your mother and I planned on surprising you for your birthday but that didn't play out too well. Your mother started having contractions when we arrived here but they disappeared. I was thinking we should just take it easy here. I don't want her going into labor on the way home and then it'll give us a chance to check up on you."

I had totally forgotten about my birthday. Had I missed it?

"What-" I coughed. "How many days was I out?" 

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