Chapter Three.

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Hope you enjoy and don't forget to fan/vote/comment <3 ! Love, Troll. _________________________________________________________

I skipped breakfast that morning; I was late to school already. I ran out of the door and into the street, my clock said I had five minutes to make it before I was marked as late. When I arrived at the school, I was sweating, and some kids skipping class looked at me like I was weird. I burst through the class room door, not even bothering to knock. Mrs. Evers was glaring daggers at me -talk about if looks could kill- while the other students had looked up from their test - shit!- some narrowing their eyes, annoyed about being interrupted, while others were... smiling? I couldn't read them; it was kind of creepy to be honest.

Feeling insecure again, I hurriedly tried to find Jace, and succeeded when I saw him sat at the same seat as yesterday. I went to join him and greeted him, but frowned when he didn't even spare me a glance. What's up his ass? I'll ask him when he's finished his test.

"Cassie, since you've only been here one day, I won't make you do the test today, but I would like you to study and take it after school Friday. Okay?" Mrs. Evers said. I nodded gratefully. There were five minutes left in the lesson, when Jace had finally finished his test. Getting up and setting it on the teacher's desk, he made his way back over to me. Yet again, he didn't even look as I slipped him a note.

What's wrong?

Nothing, I'm fine.

Jace, I'm a girl, I know when something is up...

Nothing's wrong! I'm fine lol.

Okay...Do you want to hang out today? My mum's on a trip again.

No thanks, I have plans. Sorry.

Disappointment flooded through me, and I knew instantly that he really wasn't okay. 'I'm fine', has got to be the biggest lie teenagers use these days. I didn't like that something was bothering Jace, it bothered me more that he would lie about it, doesn't he trust me? He's known you for two days, Jesus Christ you're acting like you've been best friends since 100 B.C. The voice in my head was right, once again. It wasn't my business and he had a choice to tell me.But it wasn't fair that he was basically giving me silent treatment either. I had done nothing, and I planned to ask his friends about this "problem", and I planned to do that now.

As soon as the bell rang I sprung from my seat to go to see Aaron. They seemed the closest...

Jace's P.O.V

As she entered the classroom, I felt pain go through me. She looked exactly like Her and it was killing me to see her face on someone else's body. I didn't even glance up at her as she seated beside me, I couldn't, not with knowing there was an exact healthy version of  Aria.

  I kept my head down, staring at my paper, not even paying attention to it. Not like I understood it anyway. While I kept stealing glances at Cassie I realised it wasn't fair that I was ignoring her, but I couldn't help it. I would probably cry in front of her, and my ego wouldn't let that embarrassment happen to me. When I decided to just "fuck it" and hand my paper over, I once again ignored her as I sat back in my seat. I didn't even look at her as I opened the note she passed me.

What's wrong?

Nothing, I'm fine. If only I could tell her...

Jace, I'm a girl, I know when something is up...

Nothing's wrong! I'm fine lol. I figured using a laughing speech in my sentence would tell her I was okay, but you could never be sure with women.

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