Ch. 2- Confession

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*Harry's POV*


I can't believe it, I'm not that cry baby at all but why did I sob when they gave me the thought that Chessy will leave in a few weeks more. I was so hurt I didn't even have the courage to talk to her and I dont even know why...

My heart beats heavier and faster each time I think about our past... Four years ago I bumped her out of carelessness and we became friends after I reached out of her... we would meet then outside campus rihht after dismissal and I would walk her home, sometimes even stay to study or eat with her in there and Mrs. DJ was nice... A few years later we became bestfriends, I didnt even mind it when she brought Mikel and Tricia to be with her as long as I see her smile...

I don't even know why I will miss her so much... The way she looks at me with her Brown eyes, The way she smiles and the way she laughs, the way she leans unto me when she cries and the way she sleeps in her desk when she is so tired... she was such a perfect girl so sweet and kind and everytome she gets angry, she would never last the day without one of us saying sorry to each other...

I was feeling this heart ache that I never felt for anyone else before... the feeling that I would just want to sleep with her all day and have her in my arms, to go somewhere holding her hand out tight and scream to the world thar she is my girlfriend.... wait what the heck is happening to me, why am I taljing like a love struck puppy out of her.... Could it be... that I think more of her than just a bestfriend...

The first time I saw her, I grabbed her hand right away before she goes because I felt like I need to know her more even if I saw her for the first time, Everytime I'm with her my hand thumps and beats loudly and fast and I feel like not letting her go... Could it be that I love her?

I'm really confused right now, I would just like to scream out my lungs but one thing is for sure... I'm starting to have Romantic Feelings for her, Love....

I felt like I needed to tell her but I just dont know how... I'm afraid that she will just run away and tell me that we are just friends... I'd suffer such a bad heartbreak I she did that but I know she wont because she is the sweetest girl I have even known... probably crazy but she is like an angel to me.


This is it her last week here in England,  she will fly off tomorrow to  Washington and I won't be able to see her for four years straight, Four painful years that I won't see the girl that I loved and I didn't even have the courage to tell her how I felt if only she felt the same way then it would be nice...

She just graduated last week but my school schedule is different from hers, I will graduate after one more week and now here I am at her house helping her pack her stuff for tomorrow.

I leaned in to get some boxes on the floor and get them inside the car and I see her standing there near the car putting some lighter loads. I literally dropped the box on the road and just grabbed her hand and hugged her... I dont even know what I'm doing, it's like something is controling my body for this moment...

She tried to escape from my hands but I hugged her tighter and I started to sob on her shoulders since I'm three feet taller than her

"Harry what are you doing?!" she yelled but I never let her go...

It was about ten minutes of doing nothing but to hug her, I feel like I don't wanna let her go and just take her somewhere that we are the only ones who enjoy there. She stopped struggling in a little bit more time and she hugged me back and started crying again...

I didn't want to see her leaving  rying but I cant help it, I feel like if she slips away from my hands I will die and thats when the words just escaped out of my mouth without me even knowing that they did...

"I love you" I just said with no control of myself and she pulled away looking confused and I started to explain

"I dont know why but you give me a feeling that I've never had before..." I tell her as the sky began to darken signalling for rain but I continued as rain droplets start to fall "The way you look at me, smile at me, hold me, touch me, hug me and laugh with me makes me go all crazy... I know crazy and stuff but I'm not kidding... I love you and I wish I could stay more with you but destiny says that we part and maybe one day destiny will say that we will meet again..." I say not even getting an answer as ahe looked stiff because I took it all by surprise.

A few minutes more he rain bursted out very strong and we were both wet but I still heard her petite little voice as she confessed as well "I love you too Harry" she said and I just begin to sob happily of her answer...It may sound crazy but I'm laughing while crying but the moment quickly rushed out our love until I realize we were kissing in the middle of the pouring rain....

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