Willow walked out, she wanted to go get a new pack of cigarettes. She seemed to use them more often, probably because DC wasn't replying to her. She knew that was an excuse, but she'd roll with it.

As she waited at the counter for the clerk went to get the pack she wanted. While waiting she tapped her fingers on the counters, humming a tune in her head. The bell hung on the top of the door rang, signaling a person entered the shop.

She continued tapping until she felt the person's presence standing next to her and she tilted her head, glancing at the tall figure next to her, who seems to be a guy. Who knew? He could be a girl dressed up as a guy. She doesn't keep up with trends, but she remembered seeing that somewhere.

He looked at her, and smirked, "It's rude to stare. Don't you know?" She just rolled her eyes and muttered, "Tone down your ego a notch will you?" 

The clerk appeared, passing her the pack of cigarettes. She grabbed it, since she payed, and walked out of the store. " Nice conversation we had!" The guy shouted, earning a glare from her, and maybe a flash of her lovely middle finger.

She hated people like that. Don't they get it that she doesn't want to talk to them? 

They need to learn to f*ck off.

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