Gaara~Butterflies *Request for Myalo09*

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Dedicated to: Myalo09

Name: Kimiiko Takanishi

Looks : Long dark brown hair almost past waist, navy blueish colored eyes

Age: 12

Rank: Gennin

Personality: hyper, and makes a lot of jokes, she enjoys to make people laugh.

Jutsu type: Wind (LIKE NARUTO AND ASUMA SENSEI!! =^-^=)

~~Story start~~

I sighed as I walked down the dirt road in the Leaf village. It was chunin exam time, and I'm nervous as hell. I heard that Gaara was suppose to be there to. What my luck, its not that I don't like the kid, no scratch that. I'm actually in love with him, but I think he's bipolar. One day he's arguing with me over nothing, the next he's my very best friend. Maybe he's on his man period 24/7? Nahh, guys get it once a month like girls do right? No wait, do guys even get periods? I'm confused right now.

'OMG RAMEN!!' I screamed mentally as I ran to the ramen shop, only to see the most ramen addicted ninja.

Naruto Uzumaki!! Believe It!!!

"Hows it hangin' Naruto?" I greeted as I walked in, he looked at me with a mouth full of ramen and smiled.

"I'm hangin' alright Kimi-ch-GAH GAH!!" He started to choke on a noodle. I gave him the hemlock maneuver and he choked it up, only to chew it and swallow it back down. Nasty. "That's Kimi-chan for ya, always knows how to save my ass! Old Man I want two bowls of ramen one for me and one for Kimi-chan over here!" He yelled, the old man chuckled and started to cook again.

"Man Naruto, aren't you stressed?" I asked, he shook his head.

"Nah, not that much as everyone else is anyways. I mean sure its stress cause your freaking out, but still I can keep my cool in a lot of situations." He gloated.

"Sure Naruto...." I said sarcastically grabbing my bowl of ramen that the man slid in front of me. "Thank you Mr. Ramen man!" I said grabbing my chopsticks. I snapped them apart and slurped it all down.


Just then Temari came walking in.

"Well, well, long time no see Kimiiko, how ya been?" She asked, I swallowed my ramen in my mouth.

"Doin good Temari, where is Gaara and Kankuro?" I asked.

"Kankuro went to flirt with some hot chick and Gaara is-"

"Right here..." Gaara said walking in.

"Nice timing Gaara." I greeted, he nodded. While I was catching up with the sand siblings Naruto slid out the curtain. "That blonde ass little bastard..." I whispered under my breath, Gaara smirked. "So whats new with you peoples?" I asked.

"Chunin exams..." Gaara answered, I nodded.

"Same, I hear its suppose to be even harder this year." I stated, they shrugged.

"Kimiiko, can I talk to you for a minute?" Gaara asked, I nodded and we left out. We started to walk down the village roads. "Kimiiko, I don't think you should enter the exams..." He said, I stared at him.

"Excuse me? Gaara I'm entering those exams."

"You shouldn't." He said again.

"And why not?" I asked, he looked away.

"Because the rest of your team was KIA, I'm worried about you." He said.

"Well don't be, I'm my own person, and I promised my sensei and my team mate that I would ace the exams. And I'm sure as hell aren't gonna let you stop me from making my promise. I'm entering those exams Gaara, whether you like it or not." I stated, he glared at me.

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