Chapter 9: Mother?!?

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The landing was so soft that I felt stupid. It was like taking a step and just finding yourself in another place.

To say Poseidon's castle was a house was an understatement. The castle was made from a rich pale blue color which made it look exactly in place undersea. The drawbridge was wide open and I could her lovely music from way over her. Apparently we were going to walk the rest of the way. Procrustes showed everyone  what every thing was. He even said that Poseidon didn't even have guards, instead he had sharks. They say obediently on either side of the drawbridge watching us with zeal. I couldn't figure it was from hunger or curiosity. Swarms of fish made a show by flashing us their brilliant colors and making shapes. Obviously the King of the Sea had them trained and taught to this. It was amazing to see so many fish like this together and amazing the sharks didn't attack.

The inside of his castle was beautifully decorated. A single chandelier hung so bright on the ceiling that any other light source was useless. Tables of food was positioned off to the right in the corner and the dance floor was being rushed to as more music played a gentle soft tune. I saw a band of musicians playing their instruments with passion and eagerness. This was a lot to wonder at but I had to force myself to focus or I'll lose the time process. I pulled my friends to the side near the buffet. I shoved an cracker with some type of fish on it in my mouth to make it seem like I was hungry and turned to them.

"Remember the plan. I'll go search for Atermis and Draea distract Procrustes, Diya watch for anyone if they try to follow me. If they do get Darius to knock them out and hide their body. Any questions on what to do", I asked, the seriousness suddenly set in.

"Good now go", I said. We broke off and headed in several directions. Me and Darius waited by one of the doors leading off somewhere while Draea distracted Procrustes.

"I want to thank you Darius", I spoke not taking my eyes off Draea. He look genuinely surprised at the statement and looked down at me in awe.

"Darius more happy here than villages. Sonya chose me for that reason. I'm good here than anywhere in world", he said. I noticed his eyes getting wet when I looked at him, but I pretended not to notice and glanced at Draea. She finally reached Procrustes and she shook his hand sweetly. I could she that she was laying it on thick, using her body language to make him pay attention to her.

"Now", I whispered and I moved towards the door. Darius stretched his large body to cover my leaving. And I slipped inside unseen. Step three now in motion.

Then I found myself in a corridor. Great more rooms to search. I decided that I'll work my way from the end of the corridor and all the way back. Besides I'll look at each door to see if it looks better than the others. It would be reasonable that your son would have the best room. I made haste down the dark hall and reached the end of it in excitement.

I began searching behind the rooms only finding storage space or old seaweed rooms. Once I was only halfway past the middle of the hall I walked into one room.

It looked just like the rest, instead of dust, seaweed was everywhere on the crates. But the seaweed on the floor was trampled and flattened. The trampled path lead to the bookcase on the right side of the wall. I followed and began to pulled at the books. I heard of bookcases like these, a single book triggered it to open. A fine machine. When had pull all the books off I got confused. So it wasn't one of those types. That's when I felt it being pushed. I jumped back and hid behind a crate. A man with a scarred cheek came out. So that scar was cut onto them by Procrustes. I pulled Atermis's knife out reluctantly, I didn't really what to use it, but it was the only knife I could hid in my clothes. When the man looked down I leaped out and grabbed him by the neck and snapped it. I admit it was harder than I thought, but I wished I could have did it another way. But using the moon knife wasn't an option here. I moved his body behind one of the larger crates and looked at the bookcase. I should've known to pull it open. I peeked down the dark open space and saw a spiral staircase. I took several tentative steps downwards until I began to get more confident and just kept going. Hopefully Procrustes didn't fancy traps as well.

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