Noah with the messy black hair

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"Noah!" I heard my mom's voice call from downstairs. "your new uniform just arrived!"

"finally!' i caleld i put down my Manga and ran downstairs. brushing my fingers through my messing black hair calling "its  late ths year."

"yeah i thought it would never come" my mom laughed I Pulled it out. "eh I guess the middleschool section has a different colour shirt. such a baby blue, i like the elementary green better." "stop complaoining" my little sister walked through the kitchen and turned to me and stuck out her ngue.

"you know the only reason yuo go to that stupid school is because your old school's psychyatrist in indergarten said you where special" she sneered " so you had to go to a special school."

"shut up karen!" I snapped and she giggled and skipped away. i went back uptairs with my new uniform and pulled out o the pocket my card. "darnnit i got H" I pulled my cell pone out and texted my friend. 

heyt logan,I got H sorry!'

'at least we are next to eachother' he replied

'yeah i wonder who our room-mates will be?'

dunnno' i replied adn I put the phone down and picked my manga back up. I noticed i was at the end of the book "crap" i said "I wish this wasn;t the last vp;ume I can't imaine how they could wrap this up so fast." I put it back down and gt up . i wheeled my chair over to my desk and started typing on my computer. it was the script for a manga  I was writing. Logan was going to do the pctures, we would never get it published but at least its fn to make. It was about a cat that somehow gained te ability to talk with humans. it tried its best t fit in with the other cats but once they found out its ability they shunned it. it ebfriends a human girl ho take it in a tells eeyone its jus her pet but instead they have adventures nd stuff. it sounds weak and hard to go with, but its pretty comical covers it logical mistakes.

the next day I peked my bags. I pulled out my dad's pocketwatch and put into my bag.

I'm special. Right.. the public elementary's school psychaitrist said  I had an advanced brain s I should go to a special school that would nurtur my abilities. but for some reason my mom got it in her head that bording schools are all much better and advanced. I don['t see anythign rea special about the boys who go to my school, their just average kids who where sent to an all boys boarding school. i shook my head. My dad wouldn't have sent me to some stupid school... 

at least i met logan. He was sent to the school as a traditon being the third, no technecally second youngest kid in his family of all boys, he was forced to go as well.

the day ragged on as I waited for tomarow. the day the big ol' coach bus would roll up to my driveway adn i would give mom a hug she would kiss my forehead my sister would wave  adn i would get on the bus and get ridiculed by the racist bus driver for being half cuban.

I woke up t my sister screaming in my ear. "UP! UP! UP!" she grabbed my hair and pulled it. I got u and grabbed my bags. i gave mom a hug she gave me a kiss Karen waved, i got on the bus and sat down but the nexxt stp was much soner than I expected. that was when we stopped at the big Wakatsuki manor.

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