"Right, Mr Black. Teach me."

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Sirius's P.o.v

We walked down the busy corridor, just the four of us, the way it was meant to be.

I saw a group of girls look our way, without even stopping to find out which one of us they were staring at, I wrapped one arm around James and dramatically kissed his cheek.

"Mwa!" I added, smacking my lips for extra drama.

"Eww no Padfoot!" He said, wiping his cheek with the back of his sleeve.

"Yes Padfoot! You're my property now!" I said, ruffling up his hair.

"I am not your property."

"James, do I have to turn into a dog, just to pee on you and claim you as my property?"

"Definitely not!"

"We should probably head to the library, start our homework?" Remus suggested.

We had an hour to kill before tea time. I could think of far better ways to spend that hour, such as playing pranks on Snivellus, but I knew that the homework had to get done at some point."

"Sometimes you are a right killjoy Moony." I said, jumping on his back. He was the tallest out of the four of us, and he especially hated when I jumped on his back.

"Please get off me." He said in a bored tone.

"But I like the view from up here!" I complained, pushing my hands down on his shoulders to push myself up higher.

"Oww." He said in a bored tone.

We all sat down around a large circular table at the middle of the library.

"Where in Merlin's beard did these pumpkin pasties come from?" I asked, starring at the plate, which I swear was not there a moment ago when we first sat down.

"I may, or may not have brought them from the kitchen." Peter added.

"You and them bloody house elves!" I said. Peter often left out presents for the house elves, though they always rejected them. I swear he had some obsession with those strange creatures.

Talking of house elves being strange creatures, Kreature, the Black family house elf was the worst. He definitely had something against me, he seemed to hate me more and more every time I laid eyes on the ugly thing.

"Wouldn't it be good if we could enchant quills to do our homework for us?" Remus suggested.

"Now, Remus, you are a genius." I said, giving him a smirk and heading off to the charms section to find a book on doing just that.


"There she is." James said under his breath.

"You are so hopelessly in love with her." I commented, while Peter and Remus made fake vomiting noises behind us, they had obviously heard him too.

James blushed once he realised that we had all heard and quickly rushed into the hall ahead of us.

I watched as James rushed over to grab the seat opposite Lily, and I knew straight away what his first words to her were, even though I was too far away to physically hear them.

"James, how many times do I have to say no?" She replied.

"Until you learn how to say yes. Yes James. Yes, I'd love to go out with you." He commented with a tone of sarcasm, although we all knew that he was half serious.

I sat down next to him and glanced over at blondie, who was reading a massive book. I still hadn't asked her a name, and after her going to this school for five years already, it would be a bit strange and awkward to randomly ask her now.

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