"I Can't Promise That Blondie."

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That weekend we were allowed to go to Hogsmeade. Even in our sixth year, Lily and I still got excited to go to Hogsmeade.

"Hogsmeade Shmogsmeade! You can go any time, any day, if you just know how!" He exclaimed, as Lily and I sat blabbering about what we would buy and where to go, late one Friday night.

"Guess that means you won't be joining us?" She asked lazily.

Lily knew how to get to James. He wanted to go with Lily but had just dug himself into a hole.

"Well, if you really want my company it would be rude to say no." He said, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Lily giggled at me and we went back to our conversation.

At eleven thirty, we decided that we should probably get some sleep to ensure that we were up in time to get breakfast before heading off to Hogsmeade.

We ascended the old wooden stairs up to our dorm and drifted to sleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows.


"You know, there's less than two months of school left before we break up for Christmas." Lily reminded me. This had to be the fourth time she had told me that this week.

Don't get me wrong, I was really excited to see my parents. Although I sent owls to them every week, nothing beats seeing them in the flesh. But over these last six years, I've found that I generally feel homesick when I actually visit my real house in Guildford. It seemed that Hogwarts really is my home.

We were currently heading towards The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade while Lily was reminiscing about going home for Christmas.

Halloween was in a weeks time, and personally, I preferred Halloween.

The Three Broomsticks was decorated with floating pumpkins with scary faces carved into them and enchanted spiders which floated and danced upon the air as we passed.

"Grab us a table, I'll get the drinks." I told Lily before heading up to the bar. I hated trying to find a table in The Three Broomsticks as it was always so crowded.

I ordered us two butterbeers before turning around to find Lily who had luckily managed to find us a large table.

There were four seats and Lily was sat at one, with her bag on another, saving the seat for me. I just hoped that no random strangers would come along and ask to sit next to us.

I plonked the butterbeers down on the table clumsily, the liquid inside almost daring to spill over the edge of the glass tankard cups they were in.

"Oops." I said under my breath, before steadying them and sitting down opposite her.

I heard the door swing open behind us and James, Remus, Sirius and Peter walked noisily in, making their presence known.

"He-Hello. L-L-Lily. Seren." Peter stammered, nodding at each of us and sitting down next to me.

"Mind if I sit here?" Remus asked, gesturing to the chair next to Lily before sitting down.

The four of us talked quietly. I quite liked Peter and Remus, they were the quieter two of the group, just like I was the quieter one out of Lily and I. Peter seemed to stammer more than was generally acceptable and I immediately felt sorry for him, he seemed to live in the shadows of the biggest pranksters in our year but was still very nervous.

Soon, Sirius and James joined us, both carrying two glasses of butterbeer. They placed them down on the table before going off to hunt for chairs.

"I never really liked this stuff." Remus said, sniffing his butterbeer before using his finger to swipe the froth off the top and into his mouth.

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