Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guyyss! This is the first chapter and I really hope you'll like it :D

Takumi's mother broke down in her black dress, her blue hair cascading down her back in waves. ¨Why?!¨ she cried as she kneeled down in front of her son, who lied in the shining black coffin. Her husband hugged her from behind as his tears rolled down his cheeks. ¨He did nothing wrong!¨ she yelled out loud as she sobbed in her husbands chest. Den clenched her fists in sadness as she tried not to let her tears out. Her boyfriend rubbed her back soothingly.

And Rin... he was staring at Takumi's pale face in disbelief. Why did HIS precious little brother have to die. He swore he would take revenge on the ones who killed him. Takumi's family was understanding enough to not blame the brothers.

The brothers weren't dealing with Takumi's death too well. Reiji became even more sadistic. Shuu just didn't care any more. Ayato dealt with his sadness by bringing everyone down. Laito became even more of a manwhore, but no one was just good enough. Kanato only talked to Teddy now. And Subaru wasn't even seen by his brothers anymore, he didn't even ride along in the limousine to school with them. The Mukami's moved to another country.

¨My little baby!¨ Takumi's mother cried out in grief.

2 years later

Takumi was still in everyone's heart, but that didn't mean that they got better. Den moved back to America with her boyfriend to be with her family and friends. Rin moved to Australia and showed no emotion to anyone, except for his family. 

Takumi's Pov

'Where am I' I opened my eyes and looked around. Complete darkness. 'Hello!?' I shouted out in the darkness. 'It's time to wake up Takumi~' a voice giggled and a bright light appeared. I put my arm in front of my eyes and the light soon faded away.

I can't breathe! I looked around and noticed I was in water. I swam upwards with burning lungs and as soon as I got out I inhaled deeply. It was dark. I looked around and noticed light blue hair floating on the water. I quickly turned around and it surrounded me. ¨Get it off¨ I quietly shrieked and grabbed it. I yanked it hard and my head suddenly hurt. ¨It's my.... hair?¨ I mumbled shocked. I quickly got out of the lake and stared at my reflection. I changed so much...

(This is what he now looks like, except he has a black suit on)

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(This is what he now looks like, except he has a black suit on)

I turned around and my eyes widened. It was the Sakamaki manor. I ran towards it with unfamiliar speed. ¨They must be at school now¨ I mumbled and walked up the stairs. ¨Nothing changed¨ I smiled as I walked to the music room. I sat down in front of the piano and waited for the brothers. When I saw the limousine in the driveway I started playing and singing. I honestly didn't know this song, it sounded familiar though...

(play the video now please! Oh and the song is in French so I'll put the english translation beneath each line :3 But I won't type all the lyrics ^^')

Normal Pov

Dors, le mal est passé et tu entres dans la danse
Sleep, the worst is over and you enter the dance

Takumi's sweet voice ran through the mansion as the brothers teleported inside. That voice sounded familiar... it couldn't be! But he's dead!

Le pire de côté, ta revende en cadence
The worst aside, you sell yourself to the rhythm

They raced up the stairs and teleported inside, not noticed by Takumi. Who was this guy? He kind of looked like Takumi, but the eyes and hair colour were different

Tu sèmes le bonheur à chaque pas que tu fais
 You sow happiness with every step you make

Et à ton réveil la vie reprend son train.
And when you wake up, life continues

They let him finish his song quietly. Takumi looked up with a smile. ¨I'm back¨ he said with a smile. Ayato stepped forward with a sneer. ¨Who the hell are you?!¨ he yelled as he pushed him against the wall. Takumi's eyes widened in fear and his back began to ache and itch. ¨You don't remember me... I'm Takumi¨ he said quietly. ¨I was also confused when I suddenly woke up under water, but it's really me!¨ Takumi pleaded as he saw the brothers looking at him suspiciously. Kanato stepped closer and sniffed him. His eyes widened and he hugged Takumi tightly.

¨It really is him!¨ Kanato yelled in excitement. Takumi nodded and hugged Kanato back. Subaru ripped Kanato off Takumi. ¨Liar!¨ he yelled and charged at him.

¨NO!¨ Takumi yelled and suddenly one black and one white wing appeared out of his back.
He looked behind himself in disbelief. The brothers stepped away from him with a tinge of disgust.

¨What are you?....


Hey everyoneee!! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Until next time!!

Bye bye~

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