Chapter 14: Lamenting Love

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Two weeks later...

It had been two weeks since my wound healed, but my mood hadn't.

I wanted to spend some time with Gumball, but Peppermint Maid kept telling me he was busy in his lab. So I decided to go adventuring with Cake instead.

But when I came into the treehouse, Cake was gone, as usual. She's probably with stupid Lord Monocrapicorn.

I know I should be happy for Cake, but I just seem to get so mad at her lately.

Why does she get to feel genuinely happy with her boyfriend when I don't feel that way with mine anymore? It's not fair! I feel so helpless sometimes...


Wait, that last thing's absurd. How can you feel alone when you're with somebody? This is the person who is supposed to make you feel good about yourself. But what if the very person you're with to avoid being alone is actually the one causing you to feel this way?

Maybe this is a sign; that I should just end things with Gumball.

But if I do that, I'll be alone again.

But I feel alone when I'm with him.

What should I do?

"You should probably stop saying your thoughts aloud," I heard a familiar voice say behind me.


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