Unicorns FTW!

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: sup

You: Do YOU like unicorns?

You: I LOVE unicorns

You: They're so cool

Stranger: are you a little kid?

You: Fuck no brahh, I just love unicorns !

Stranger: oh...

You: They fill me with joy



Stranger: i think you might be sick in the head

Stranger: you might need some unicorns to llok at that

You: Oh I already do.

You: And I see a therapist ANDa counsellor.

Stranger: cool and that is something to be proud about

You: But they dont agree with what my unicorn therapist Mr.Rainbows says

You: Yea brahh,

Stranger: well at least we got something out of the way

Stranger: anything interest you other then unicorns?

You: Yea, What about you? what do YOU love?

You: Well, the dragon specimen has always interested me. Just not as much as dem unicorns.

You: Dem unicorns are dah SHIT!

Stranger: did you eat their shit?

You: Yea actually, tasted ..... fruity

Stranger: i'd rather stick to actual fruit or artificially flavored juice

You: Oh... BORING !

Stranger: so exactly what age group are you in?

You: Well, 3-150.

Stranger: me too

You: MAN we have SOO much in common !

Stranger: except im boring

Stranger: and you sound like you had a litttle too much illegal stuff in your system

You: Well me too.... Im not usually this boring though. Today Im just a little down because my brother got eaten by dem aligators.

You: Dem aligators are pree sick bro

Stranger: and you just watched this whole thing

Stranger: and let them eat your bro

You: Yep. I couldn't not help him to not be eaten. They tied me up with this magical rope that could only be broken if a girraffe pees on it. No'm saying bro?

You: I hadda call up "2tall" to do his duty, then i was set free !

Stranger: thats bull

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