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A/N: A couple of changes ;The story won't be during recent times. The boys still haven't toured with One Direction just yet. All the boys are a year older.




back to 2005

"What's wrong mommy, I don't like seeing you cry. You don't like me crying, so I don't like it when you cry." The little girl had a frown planted on her face, hugging her mother on the floor. Little did she know about what's been happening for almost a year. Her mother's vision was blurred from her tears, she grabbed her daughter into her arms, hugging her tightly. "Oh honey, its nothing alright. No need to pout, mommy's fine, she's got her happiness right here" A giggle was heard in the room as the little one rested her body into her mother's arms. She hugged her mother tight before pulling back and giving her mother a smile. A smile that held happiness and strength for her mother.


"Daddy, what are you doing?" A little voice was heard on the stairs, as she saw a scenario that confused her. Little does she know about what's been happening and what would happen next. Her father turned to her daughter, as he slowly turned to approach her. The little girl also walked down the stairs towards her father, but before she could, her mother's shouts interrupted. "What's wrong mommy, daddy's not bad" Her mother struggled to get up just to pull a foot back, as the girl's father was soon on the floor beside his mother. "GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW SWEETIE!" Shaking and trembling with wide eyes, the little girl started hyperventilating, but listened to her mother. Her eyes becoming wider and filled with more fear, she stared at the scene below her. With tears, she scurried her little legs up the stairs to her room. She locked her door as she decided to go to the corner opposite of the door, bringing her knees to her chest. She stared out the window for the view of the stars, blocking the noises and shouts. Her breathe was shaky, struggling to breathe through her tears.


"Mommy!" The little girl couldn't bear to see her mother in pain, but her mother pushed her arms out trying to push the little girl away. Her mother was on the floor, blood and bruises along with scars covering her body. "Daddy stop hurting mommy, she doesn't like it." She stood in front of her father, shaking and frightened. Her father went on one knee to be on an eye-to-eye level with his daughter. "You poor stupid worthless thing!" Slap. The first slap, and definitely not the last time his hands with be laid on the little girl.


"Where the fUCK IS MY BEER!" The same voice that she's scared to hear everyday, echoed through the house, as she scrunched her face up and braced for actions that have become similar. She felt as if tears have pooled up in her room, possibly able to drown in them. Pain was all she felt, she had found out a horrid nightmare that she never thought would happen. She held her stomach as she struggled to get up to the fridge and grabbed a pack of beer. She shuffled herself to where her father was, as he grabbed the pack of beer. Her father opened a bottle and chugged almost all of it instantly. He turned to her and eyed her up and down. "Get out of here, I'll deal with you later again." She shed a tear as she obeyed and went to her room.


Arriving at an unfamiliar place, she sighed as she had no other choice. Although, she was hoping life was getting better. Ever since, everybody's trying to talk to her and 'help'. Some may think she might be mute, but she just refuses to explain anything. She just doesn't know what to do with her life anymore. She doesn't understand the whole point of trying anything.


"Hello sweetheart, my name's Isabella, and this is my husband Ben" She looked at the couple carefully, thoughts running through her head. Her face had a blank expression as she blinked her eyes a couple of times. "You're leaving to another place hun." She looked at the lady that she knows, as she looked back at the couple. She cleared her throat, feeling wary and nervous. "Well.. hello."


"Lay, come on down, breakfast's ready." The sweet voice rang through the house, reaching upstairs in her bedroom. She was ready for the day, prepared to go to school. She looked at herself once more and smiled softly at herself. Life did get better for her, she wouldn't ask for a better life. Grabbing her bag before heading down to meet Isabella at the table. "Your favourite, nutella-filled pancakes with hot chocolate." Given a wink and the food in front her, she wasted no time and started stuffing herself. She gives a small hug before heading out the door. "Have fun on your first day of school hun!" She walked to the bus stop, uneasy of going to a new school.


"This is a tragic moment in our life, we will never understand why it happened. Especially to my mo- Isabella Hercod and Ben Hercod. Ofcourse, I'm sure you all knew them better than I did. I never really had anybody like them in my life. They gave me a little more to life to hold onto. I- my life wasn't the best, until I met them. But during the time-period of meeting them the first time, to the sight a second before everything was in action, I had something I haven't truly had growing up. They really did treat me like I was theirs, like I matter, like I'm special. All the memories we've made and shared together, I will forever treasure and keep not only in my head, but close to my heart. I will never forget about all the smiles, laughter, love, and bond we had. The two were really great people. Hearts bigger than what a body could hold, having to share the amount of love and care they had to anybody they met. I truly do love them. Died at such a young age, but they have opened my eyes to a lot of things. I've learned a lot of things from them that you can never learn from school. When in doubt, just take a small step.That you shouldn't compare your life to other's, because you have no idea what their journey is all about. Everybody faces life, and we all deal with it differently. Most importantly, no one is in charge of happiness except you. "


I was late, I woke up late. Fuck. Running up the stairs and into the halls. I was wandering around the halls like a lost puppy for a good 5 minutes. 'Great, first day at a new school and I'm already 10 minutes late.' Hearing the teacher's voice outside the door, I took a deep breath before opening the door. The sound of the door creaking was the only thing heard in the room as I walked towards the teacher with my head down. "Ahh- you're late Ms. Hercod. Class, welcome our new student La-" I stood up straight and cleared my throat as I corrected him before he had the chance. "Lovely" The teacher's eyebrows furrowed together as she looked back at the papers, before she nodded her head gave'em back. "Right, pardon my mistake. Please, introduce yourself." I faced the class, looking straight at the walls. "Name's Lovely,


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