Chapter 1

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The cat watched the Sparrow is scorn. " I can't believe Hawk let that kit stay" she growled. "Well, he IS leader, he makes the decisions" another cat mewed. " And he is my brother, and I know my brother wouldn't let a non-gray cat stay in the tribe" she growled. Sparrow crawled onto the old she-cat's paws and started mewling. "Hey Moon, she likes you!" the other cat meowed. "Shut up Storm!" Moon snapped back. Storm let out a mrrow of laughter. And Moon growled in return "Whatever," then started grooming herself, pushing the kit off of her. Sparrow squealed then ran off, looking for her brother. Other cat snarled and hissed as she passed. They always did this. Sparrow never understood why though, she didn't get why everyone hater her. What did she do to them? Why did they hate her? Sparrow shook off the thought then ran up to her brother, Finch. "Wanna play catch the mouse?" she walked up to her brother slyly. It had was always been easy to trick her brother. He glanced at her, head tilted. "How do we play Catch the Mouse?" The delicate, small tom asked. Sparrow grinned, "Follow me." She lead him out of the camp and into the forest. Finch didn't follow. "Aren't we not supposed leave the camp?" The kit asked, his pale eyes narrowing. Sparrow turned her head. "Mom said we could" She lied. Finch looked around doubtfully, then followed. "So how do we play catch the mouse?" he repeated. Sparrow looked at her brother. "We catch mice, mouse-brain" she meowed. Finch nodded then followed her silently to a sandy clearing. Sparrow observed it for a second. "Okay, now lets look for mice, you go that way" She flicked her tail to the edge of the sandy clearing near the forest. "And I'll go into the forest" She puffed out her chest, then was off in an instant. Finch went to the edge of the sandy clearing, he couldn't see any mice, so he decided to go farther and farther until he was in the forest. He wandered until he saw a big russet furred creature with a long snout. Finch was curios, he had never seen one of these things on the fresh-kill pile, but it was huge! The small kit walked closer to it, the russet creature turned It's head then snarled. Finch backed away, then broke into a run, the creature was chasing him! He was running so fast he didn't care where he was headed. Soon, he somehow ran into Sparrow and she freaked out, then ran in the other direction, the russet animal followed her, Finch was left alone in the forest clearing, stunned. Finch was lost, he decided to follow the way that Sparrow and the animal went. Maybe he could help his sister. He ran in the direction he'd last seen his sister. Then with a sick feeling in his stomach, he realized that they were heading in the direction of the camp. Soon, the forest broke out into the camp. He heard shrieking and gasps throughout the tribe. Cats started hissing and leaping on the russet animal. Finch ran to the nursery, to his mother, to safety. His mother looked at him wide eyed. "What happened!?" she gasped. "There is a big angry animal in the camp!" He meowed. His mother was currently nursing her kits. Soon they chased off the animal. But tension started all around the camp. "It was that wretched brown kit! She brought it here!" Someone called out. "She is cursed" Someone else called out. "Yes! we should throw her out of the tribe!" There were angry yowls all over the camp. Finally Hawk, the tribe leader spoke up, "Be quiet! All of you!" he hissed. "We are not throwing her out, she will stay here, now if I hear another word about her, from any of you, you will be punished!" he growled.

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