Let's leave

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Derek's POV:

The mahogany floorboards creaked under my weight as I slowly and hesitantly made my way towards my mom's room. When I got there, I pushed the door open since it wasn't closed all of the way. My mom was sitting in the corner of her bed crying. I quickly hustled to go sit next to her.

When I got there I immediately knew why she was crying. She was holding a picture of my brother who died two years ago. I quickly took the picture out of her hand so she couldn't see the deceased 11 year old anymore. I put it back into the picture book that was on the other side of her. I hugged her, hoping that this would brighten her mood a little bit. To my disappointment, she didn't hold back her tears and continued her dramatic cry as if I was invisible or something.

"Mom, please stop crying" I said, my voice a little shaky.

"We... (sniffle)... we... (sniffle)... w-"

"We what?! Mom! We what?!" I said in confusion and frustration.

"We have to leave this house, Derek, we have to leave this house."

I chuckled a little in my mind, noticing how she is saying everything twice. "Mom" I said, seriousness showing all over my face.

"Yes?" she said a little more clearly, successfully being able to recover from her whimpering-god this family cries a lot.

"Stop saying everything twice," I answered, allowing a weak smile to escape my serious expression. She returned the weak smile, letting it disappear almost as quickly as it formed.

"Ok," she said with a little chuckle. " But I mean it, we really have to move out of here, this house is full of bad memories."

My face brightened up when I remembered why I came here in the first place. "Mom...um, I was thinking, well, since we are going to move out, um preferably this summer, can we move to San Jose?"

"San Jose? Why San Jose, it's so far away, I don't know I-"

"Exactly, it's far away, far away from the memories" I said, completely ignoring what I thought about saying a couple minutes ago.

"Um, well maybe, if I could find a job anywhere near there, okay?"

"Okay!" I practically yelled, kissing her on the forehead and running to my room, smirking to the thought of how her face looks right now.

In my room, I went straight to my laptop and started searching for job offers in San Jose. I found this website with a huge list of jobs available. I looked at the time at the bottom right corner of the screen, it's already 11:35! I saved it as a favorite and closed my laptop. I sat on my plush, black bed and started my homewor, yeah I have homework on the last week of school. It took me a while to finally finish, but when I did, I washed my face, brushed my teeth and turned my AC on to 60, even though it was winter. I really, really like the cold, it calms me down. I layed in bed for about twenty minutes thinking about going to Franco high. I gradually got sleepier and sleepier, until I finally fell asleep.


The next day...

STILL Derek's POV:

I woke up to my alarm, which I set to 5:00 am. I got up to turn off my. When I got to it, I winced the moment the screen turned on. It shone a blinding light that my eyes were not yet adjusted to because my room was pitch black. I blinked violently until my vision became clear again. I set it to a warmer 65 degrees. I walked into my closet and flipped on the fluorescent spiral light bulb and started searching for a decent outfit. I picked out a pair of black tight jeans and a tight royal blue shirt. Tight clothes is kinda my thing, they make me feel a little more secure. Once I walked into my on suite, I locked the door, got the water running to it's coldest state and started to undress.

I was disgusted when I saw my thighs and arms, not because they were pale, but because of the scars, cuts and scabs that covered them, I never thought I would resort to cutting to relax and forget about all my worries but the bullying and ridicule is way too hard to bear. I suddenly felt an intense anger towards everyone at school. This is their fault, they made me like this. I soon realized that I couldn't do anything about it and that my anger would come to no effect, so I relaxed myself into a calmer state. Wait, no this isn't a calm state, it's a state of light insanity and desperation. The culmination of experiences that I have had at school now rendered me powerless. I sighed and cleared my mind before I had a panic attack.

I stepped past my shower door and closed my eyes. I let the water empty my mind and clear my thoughts. It worked. I opened my eyes and stared at my shampoo. My mind was blank. It was as if I was staring at a foreign object that I have never seen before, I had no sense of anything at all. Like I was staring into an object of nothingness; an object of utter insignificance, of nonexistence, of emptiness. My memories gradually came back to me and I slowly drifted back into reality. When I remembered how powerless I felt, my shampoo bottle fell. It wasn't ordinary though, it was as if someone had pulled it to the ground.

I was bewildered by the incident that occurred just ten minutes ago when I was in the shower. This has never happened before, the supernatural event dumbfounded me, how can a shampoo bottle stay upright for a long time, then just fall off of the rack coincidentally when my angry thoughts came back?... Was there an earthquake that I didn't feel due to my drifted memory? Did a draft push it down that was the same temperature as the water? Did I make it fall by concentrating on it for too long?... No, it was just (sigh) a coincidence.

I made my way down the stairs, taking my time. Mainly because I didn't want to go to school and partly because of the significant amount of blood that I lost two nights ago when I cut my left arm. The ambulation was painfully slow. My fear and despondence was increasing with each step I took, I wanted so badly just to run away and never have an education, to just live the rest of my life in the forest for eternal silence, away from all that is evil(school). But no, I have to go, only a few more days and I'll be free for the summer, hopefully to move to San Jose.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs I walked straight towards the front door. My stomach yearned for food but I'm a little anorexic. I tried to stop myself from entering the kitchen by staring at the doorknob as I walked. I stumbled a little on the PS3 that was in the middle of the foyer, maybe because of my ignorance towards the floor. It was so annoying! I felt like throwing it against the wall for ruining my determined trek. My annoyance snapped into marvel and confusion when I unmistakably saw the knob twitch. This is not normal. Maybe this is a prank, maybe someone fixed various objects in this house to move in the presence of a fourteen year old, 5'7", and 121 pounds. Hmmm although it would be moderately difficult to rig a shampoo bottle... well, I guess it would be possible. "Ugh... What is wrong with you Derek? You need to stop overthinking everything!"

It happened again, but this time it was worse. At the thought of those last few words, a realization washed over me, like a mental slap to the face. I was all caught up in my thoughts, as if every part of my body was focused on my mind; like if it was the most important organ in the world or something. I was standing here thinking to myself for god knows how long. I blinked paroxysmally until my thoughts streamed back into reality, again. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I was flabbergasted, and confused beyond recognition.

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