He likes me not, He likes me

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Derek's POV:

    I couldn't believe my eyes when I regained the rationality to my head. I am distinguishing the sight of my once functional playstation3 crushed into an unrecognizable massacre that's looks as if it might have gotten ran over. Also in my perception, was the front door wide open, there was no one outside. I rubbed my eyes just to make sure that I wasn't hallucinating. Nope, this is definitely real, all of it. I suddenly realized that I was unusually tired. Like I could just collapse on the floor after running three miles. I stopped myself from thinking about it because I knew that another unexplainable incident would more likely than not occur.

    I sighed and picked up the destroyed game console. I walked up to the kitchen trash can and threw it away. I ran out of the room back to the foyer before I thought about eating something. I took a deep breath and began to make my way to my mom's car. I had my car In the garage but I never drove it to school because of my fear of everyone jumping to conclusions about my financial statement, my mum makes $97k a year before taxes, which is a lot for family of two. Oh and my car is a 2013 Ford Mustang GT, I really don't know what the "5.0" is for though. I don't want anyone thinking I'm a little wealthy because Mercury High is full of gold diggers, I don't want my heart to be broken again. I got in the passengers seat of my moms car and honked the horn.

Alexia's POV:

    I woke up to the sound of something getting crushed. I cringed to the sound of the destruction of plastic. I looked at my clock, it read 6:02. Ugh I have to drive my son to school. I got up and washed my face. I felt revived instantly. I flew the cloth to the linen closet when I was done with it. I walked out of the bathroom and floated my slippers to my feet. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking advantage of my powers for the most simple things. It's a wonder why I still look slim. I heard the front door slam open. Ok now what is that kid up to. I made my bed with my mind and started my way towards the bedroom door. Right when I was focusing on turning the doorknob I heard a loud HONK . Ugh stupid kid, he interrupted my thought and now I ripped the knob straight out of the door. I sighed and pulled the door open. I walked to the car and got in the drivers seat.

Derek's POV:

    "Finally, what took you so long?" I whined, I regretted it. This isn't my usual behavior around my mom. I would usually just stay quiet in her presence. But I had to do anything to keep my mind off of the past events. Don't worry Derek, this is only a one day thing. Just calm your tits down.

    "What's gotten you all giddy you little bitch?" She playfully responded with a smile. I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window. "Aw c'mon, you finally decide to try to bond with me and then you back out?" She looked desperate to try to get an expression out of my face but she was unsuccessful. (Sigh) "Y'know if something's bothering ya you could always tell me, you seem a little nervous. I am you're mother." I just kept my face straight. She sighed again and started the car.

    We drove in silence, the whole way there. I stared out of the window, like every day. First we pass the forest that surrounds our old Victorian home. Then after about six minutes, we pass the park, then the Taco Bell, after that, the theatre and mall and finally, the school. We pulled up at the main entrance. I took out my Galaxy S4 to check the time. It was 6:49, like six minutes before the bell rang. I got out of the car and waited for my mom to leave. I waved goodbye after she did.

    I sighed loudly and took a deep breath. "Only two more days Derek, two more days and then the summer and hopefully San Jose" I walked up the dull gray concrete steps and into the massive building. I ambulated to my pale blue locker to drop off my unneeded books. I put my pre-cal, spanish, and history books in the top shelf and I closed the locker.
    When I turned around I was horrified to see Wade Parker, the most popular jock, walking up to me with a devious look on his face. I turned to walk away but it was too late, he sped up to me and straddled my shirt so I couldn't move. I looked into his eyes, he had the most hateful, cold, stern eyes imaginable. I looked down, closed my eyes and clenched my fists. I was prepared to take a beating. I thought about how much I hated him, he made my life a living hell, he deserves to suffer, to feel my pain. I was put down. I opened my eyes. Wade was standing there motionless with blood gradually but surely flowing out of his mouth. I widened my eyes in fear and confusion when he collapsed and fell just inches away from me.

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