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Frisk's POV

I am in pain.. it's hard to explain it.. but.. I don't know what happened.... nor where in the world I am.. it's dark.. and spooky.

"Howdy." I heard a high pitched voice to the side of me. I turn my head and see a flower.. with a face.

"H-hello?" I say back. And start sitting up. The flower grabs my wrist with one of its roots. I slowly look at him, and pull my arm away.

"N-no, no I'm not going to hurt you. Just lay down a bit longer. You hit your head a few times when you fell." He lets go of his grasp, and waits for me to lay down again.

"I'm fine.." I say as I sit down. The right side of my head starts aching, I bring my hand to it, and groan in pain.

"Ah, see what I mean.. here." He turns around, grabs something, turns back to me and holds a leaf out. As I take it with my right hand I notice blood, that's probably why he gave the leaf to me.

I take it from him, and pat it where the wound is. I don't know how, but it made the pain fade a bit.

"Thank you." I grin at him. His facial expression turns surprised.

"T-thank you?" He stares blankly at me. I nod, and give him a confused look.

"Yeah, thank you for helping me." I rub my head some more. He shakes and looks at me.

"Your welcome." He smiles and keeps staring at me.

"I-Im Frisk." I drop the leaf, and let go of my hand.

"OH, I'm Flowey. Sorry.. heh." I giggle and hold out my hand to him.

"Nice too meet you." He takes my hand with his leaf, arm things. And shakes it. "You too, Frisk." He laughs.

"Do you mind, telling me where we are?" I take my hand back slowly.

"We are in the Underground." He looks around. My heart starts beating at a very fast pace.

"T-THE Underground?!" I shake. He nods, and cocks his head at me.

"The one with all the... monsters?!" He nods again. I can feel my head get lighter, and my vision starts to be blurry.

"F-Frisk?! Are you okay?!" Flowey shakes me a tad. I close my eyes tightly, then open them.

"Wait.. how did I get down here.." I quickly turn my head around, giving me a slight migraine.

"Frisk, you need to calm down. Somebody might hear you, and monsters aren't to fond of humans down here.." He does a slight whisper. I keep looking around and see a bag. I slowly reach and grab it.

"Did this fall with me?" I look to Flowey, he nodded. I hear crumpling of leaves, that kinda sound like foot steps. I then realise they ARE footsteps.

"Oh no! Somebody is coming!" Flowey whispers again. I see him shiver in fear.

"C-can you hide me?" His eyes start tearing up. I look around and spot a flower pot it the corner. I look around, then quickly crawl to it, grab the pot, then crawl back.

"This will have to do.." I pour out the stuff that's in it, and quickly dig up Flowey.

"Is somebody there?!" I heard a women yell. I hurried and put him in the pot, then into my bag.

"I'm sorry, Flowey." I whisper as I put the bag on my back.

"That's okay, there's not much in here." He whispers back.

Toriel's POV

I heard somebody, and I know I did. Heh, maybe a human. But, maybe a figment of my imagination again. We haven't had a human here in ages.

Drowning In Tears (FlowerFell FanFic ~Sans X Frisk~)Where stories live. Discover now