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Frisk's POV

I cautiously take steps into the cold, whistling snow. It is sorta dark, and my eyes just want to keep shut. I feel like I am gonna freeze.

"It's gonna be okay, Frisk." I hear Flowey's voice echo. I look to my right shoulder, you can tell he is cold too.

"Frisk.." Flowey whispered.

"Yeah?" I whisper back.

"Frisk... I think we should... run." I stop in place and look to Flowey.

"Why..?" I looked around.

"There's nobody here." I take a step forward.


"Was that a stick..?" I turn around.

"Frisk!" He whispers.

"Calm down Flowey, t-that was probably just me." My spine shivers, as I turn and take another step.



"Frisk.. I said run.. why did you stop?!" Flowey headbutts the side of my head. I looked at my feet, I didn't realised I stopped..

"Turn around.." I heard a deep voice behind me. I can feel Flowey and I shake, almost in sync.

"Don't..." Flowey whispers. I nod, and snap out of my faze.

"Just keep going.." I whisper to myself.


That was my foot.. against the snow.. right? Yeah, I took that step. Am I really that scared..?

"Don't you know how to greet a new... pal? Heh." He chuckles.

"Turn around an shake my hand." He tells me in a strict tone.

"Frisk. Don't!" Flowey yelled. I shake. I dont know what to do.. if I turn... I might die... but if I keep going... I WILL die.. I slowly twist around.

"Good.. now, sweetheart." He chuckles again. I stop at 180 degrees, so that my left side is facing towards him.

"Shake. My. Hand." He grunts. He is a skeleton. Wearing a black jacket, with a fluffy hood, and a scarf. One gold tooth, and red eyes. Spooky.

"I said.." He growls. I grasp my hands.

"Shake. My. Hand." He held out his right hand. I shook my head, letting him know that I wouldn't.

"What? Haha, you must have misunderstood me. I said." He looks down.

"SHAKE MY HAND." He looks back up at me, and I see him taking out some sort of sharp rock.

"Frisk!" Flowey screams. I jump out of the way to dodge his attack. I then quickly get up and run forward.

"Frisk! The side of your forehead is bleeding!" Flowey cries. I stop and check it. Well, he wasn't lying..

"Heh, good job." I look up from my hand to see the skeleton. I back away, and bump into a tree.

"Are you okay?" Flowey whispered. I nod, and grind my teeth.

"SANS!" I look to where the yelling came from, then back to the skeleton.

"Sh*t.." He looked at me, but.. this time.. for some reason. A different look.. I am not sure how to explain it..

"SANS WHERE ARE YOU?!" I hear the other voice again. I take a step away from the skeleton and the voice.. I can get away from them.. they look dis- the skeleton looked at me with an angry face. I stopped.

"Over here, boss." He yelled back. Great I'm gonna get caught. I turn to Flowey, with a "sorry" look. I turned back to the skeleton who was charging me. I screamed and tried to jump away, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me to him.

I struggle to get out of his grasp, I yell once more before he puts his hand over my mouth.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHAT WAS THAT?!" The voice was closer this time.

"Nothin'." The skeleton gave them an answer. I bit his hand, making him yelp, and try to make a run for it. But, that was no use. He grabbed me and pulled me back putting me behind his back.

"Listen, if you don't want to get caught. I suggest shutting the h*ll up." He growls. I look down, holding onto the back of his sweater. I can feel my eyes tearing up, and my head is still bleeding.

"SANS. WHY ARENT YOU AT YOUR STATION." I peek over the shoulder. Another skeleton appeared, he is a lot taller than this one. And looks a lot more menacing.

"I dunno. You tell me."


"Will do.."


"Alright, boss."

"GET BACK TO WORK!" I heard the crunches of the snow fade away, and as so the mumbling of the other skeleton.

I took a step away from him, and looked to Flowey.

"Heh, you still think I'm going to hurt you. Don't be stupid. I just saved your life." He growled and began to walk away.

"T-thank you." I said. He stopped, and looked down.

"What was that?" He turned back to me.

"Frisk, I really dont think that's a good idea." Flowey murmured.

"No, it's okay." I say to Flowey.

"I said, thank you. For... saving my life." I smiled at him. He looked at me, and shook his head.

"Heh.." he began to walk away.

"Cant you just say your welcome..?" I look down.

"What was that?" He turned back to me.

"I mean, the least you can say is your welcome.." I look him in the eyes. He looks away, grunts, then looks back at me.

"I'm Sans, by the way." He looks me in the eyes. I slightly smile.

"I'm Frisk. And this is Flowey." I say back. Flowey, peeking over my shoulder.

"That was Papyrus.. he is my older brother. Ugh, he is so annoying.. anyway. See ya." He grunted and turned.

"W-wait." I take a step towards him.

"Psh, I don't need to help ya anymore. Now, do me a favor and leave me alone." He puts his hand up, and walks out of sight.

"Wow, is every monster this confusing?" I say to Flowey. He looks at me and shrugs.

"Anyway, Frisk. Let's keep going. It's getting dark.. we need somewhere to rest." He says. My eyes begin to get droopy.

"A-and it's c-cold." My teeth chatter. I look at my fingers, they are beginning to turn blue.

"Frisk?" I take a step, and trip over a branch.

"Frisk?!" I feel my body giving up. I lay in the cold snow, my face begins to be numb, along with my fingers. I slightly look ahead and see a dark figure walking toward me.

"FRISK!" I stare at the figure, and remain on the floor. Unable to move. The figure gets closer... and closer.... until I see nothing. I slowly close my eyes, and take a last breath.


Did you like it? Heh, thank you for reading. And I'm sorry again if it's not like Undertale completely. Or Flowerfell. I'm trying my hardest to make it like it. Tune in next time! Bye! ~Shai

Drowning In Tears (FlowerFell FanFic ~Sans X Frisk~)Where stories live. Discover now