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Frisk's POV

The darkness fades.. my vision begins to clear.. some one is holding me.. I feel safe..

I snuggle into their chest and smile.

"Getting comfy?" A boys voice echos off the dark walls. "W-who are you..?" I look up too see the boy, my age.. cute.. light hair.. red eyes..

"I'm Chara.. it's okay Frisk.. I got you." He holds me closer. I close my eyes and smile. "How do you know my name..?" He begins to say something but the voice fades along with my vision once again.. Chara...



The burning of wood, the popping of coals on the fire.. the warmness.. where am I..? Was that a dream..?

"Frisk. You're awake!" I feel the tiny embrace of Flowey. I smile and look at him.

"Where are we..?" I sit up and see Sans throwing wood in the fire place. I widen my eyes and look at Flowey. Then back to him.

"Shh. It's okay Frisk." Flowey, taps me on the shoulder. I don't take my eyes off the skeleton.

"He saved us. Well, you." He assures me. I don't look anywhere else.

"Heh, you're awake." Sans looks at me and pats his hands on his pants.

"You nearly freezed to death out there." He crosses his arms.

"You aren't very smart at all, are ya."

I don't say anything. And look down.

"Hey, I like to watch you suffer. And if you died early, well.." he walked up to me, and pushed my head back.

"That wouldn't be any fun." He laughed, backed up against the wall and leaned on it.

"Thanks." I looked at him, he was staring at me, but looked down when I said that.

"You need to leave. There's a hotel some where over here. I don't want you to stay here anymore than you need too. The boss will get real mad if he saw you." He grabbed my sweater and threw me out the door onto the snow, then slammed it.

"Are you okay?" Flowey asked in a scared tone. I got up and growled, brushing the snow off of me.

"What jerk!" I yelled, and looked at Flowey. He got scared.

"Calm down Frisk, everybody is like that down here." He gulped.

"Not you! And not Cha-." I stopped and looked right and left.

"What?" Flowey asked. I shook my head and went left.

"It looks like over here is the town." I stomped the whole way.

"Here. It says hotel." I walked in with Flowey. In the door, we saw a bunny lady, and a tiny bunny boy. I walked up to the counter.

"Excuse me?" I took out my money.

"What do you want." She growled at me.

"I would like to sleep here. If that's alright with you." I smiled at her. She kept the menacing face.

"80G." She held out her hand... paw. I took out all the G I had and counted it.

"I only have 40.." I looked up. She took her paw back and pointed to the door.

"Well then, get out." She went back to whatever she was doing before. I looked down, and left.

"Ugh everyone is so rude!" I turned to the rest of the town. "I guess I can explore."

I walked around for a bit but everyone was the same. Not one person was nice. I found a save star and well. Saved.

"Where should I go? I'm tired and cold.." I ask Flowey. He shrugged.

All of a sudden I enter a battle with a monster name Lesser Dog.

"Uhm..?" I select act and only see pet.
Well.. I guess I pet.

I pet lesser dog. It's neck grew. He is super excited. Aww. After a ton of pets, the neck could not grow any longer, that was fun. I then gave it mercy, and it ran off happily.

"Look." Flowey pointed at a big hole that Lesser Dog made. I kneel down and take a look inside. There's a nice little cave.

"Should we..?" I ask pointing to it.

"Well, its out of the way, hidden, and the best shot we have at survival. So I vote yes." He puts his leaf up in the air. I take off my bag, and throw it in first. Then I crawl in and lay down.

"It's surprisingly warm.." I tell Flowey.

"Yeah." He drifts off to sleep, and so do I.

Sans' POV

I don't know why I saved that girl. I shoulda let her die right there. Im just as cruel as every other monster down here, maybe even more than most. But, somethin' about her... it just..

"God da**it.." I sit on the couch, and touch my skull.

"The human is screwing up my mind. I hate 'em. We only need one more soul, before the barrier gets broken and we will all be set free. But if I keep saving them.. it'll make things harder." I mumble to myself, and throw a punch at the wall.

"F**k it. F**k it all." I look at the broken wall and growl. Soon after, I hear the front door creaking.

"SANS!?" Papyrus walks in.

"What." I look away.


"YOU KNOW IM OLDER THAN YOU!" I yell. He stands back.

"DID YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE TO ME!?" He gets in my face.

"MAYBE I DID, BOSS. UGH IM GOIN' TO GRILLBY'S." I take my jacket, and stomp out the door, slamming it on my way out. On my way there I see the human again. She's fighting that one weird dog, she spared it.. I close my eyes and look away. Then open them and head into Grillby's.

"Grillby, I need one burg-" I look down.

"Two burgers." I say. He nods and goes into the back room.

((Don't worry this is a Sans X Frisk. Not Frisk X Chara. That's just to add more drama. ~Shai.))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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