Chapter 4

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I woke up in a small hospital room. All around me were hospital equipment, and they were constantly making the annoying beeping sounds.

I looked down at my body, and saw the clothes I had on before were removed and replaced with a light blue hospital gown. Draped across my entire torso was a thin white sheet, I pulled it back and realized I had a bandage wrap across my right arm.

Whenever we were in the wreck, I thought I had broken it, but I must have just sprained it or something.

The wreck.

"Doctor!" I yelled as the panic quickly began to rise in my chest. I had to know what happened to Isabella.

Suddenly, a tall male nurse ran in the room, fear stricken plastered across his face.

"What's wrong?" He asked frantically. I slowly sat up, resting my head against the pillow behind me.

"Where is the woman that was in the wreck with me?" I asked. The nurse, now calmed down, walked towards my bed and laid his hand on my shoulder.

"She is in the intensive care unit now, we had to surgically remove the beam from her lower abdomen, but she isn't doing so well."

"Why isn't she doing so well?" I asked as my head began to throb from all the impending questions I wanted to ask.

"She doesn't remember anything that happened, and she doesn't remember you."

I tried to focus my eyes onto the bed, but they were overwhelmed with tears.

"Do you want to go see her?" The nurse asked quietly, trying to not be a nuisance.

I nodded my head, and he proceeded to help me out of the bed.

"You're lucky, you know that right?" He said once we began to make our way towards Isabella's room.

I looked up at him. "How am I lucky? The love of my life doesn't remember me, and you tell me I'm lucky?"

"You're lucky you both didn't die, that was a nasty wreck. I guess God has plans for you, becuase there is no way you could had survived that."

God has plans for me.

That one sentence made me think back to the last words my father and I had shared together before he passed away.


"Louis, you're going to be big someday, I just know it." My dad said as we sat together on the front porch of his home.

"Whatever, you're just saying that because you're my dad."

We had been talking about my career. I knew I wasn't going to go very far, because in today's society, songwriters needed to be perfect just to land one job. I knew I was an okay writer, but no very many people had been hiring me for my songs.

"Lou, I'm not just saying that because I'm your dad. I'm saying it because I know God has big plans for you."


By the time we had made it to Isabella's room, my mind was scattered. I had been thinking of my dad, so now I was a complete and total mess.

"I'll just go now," The nurse said once we reached the door. I watched him walk away down the hall until I couldn't see him anymore.

I took a deep breath and pushed open the cold wooden door.

I saw the bed, but I refused to make eye contact with the girl lying in it. I just automatically went for a chair beside her.

I put my head in my hands, and squeezed my eyes shut.

Come on Louis, you can do this.

After a few minutes of complete silence, I looked up.

"Don't you remember who I am?"

She sat up, and looked around the room, taking in her surroundings.

"No, I'm sorry, am I supposed to?" She looked at me, as if she had never seen me before. She didn't remember that we had just celebrated three years together?

I got up out of the chair that I had been sitting in, and walked towards her.

She looked ruff, her eyes were puffy, with deep bruises forming around them. I could plainly see that she was going to be here for quite some time.

"Isabella, love, please tell me your just kidding," I said growing nervous.

"I have told you already, I don't know you," she said her face becoming red with anger.

I backed towards the wall, and slumped down. She really doesn't remember me, and its all my fault..

She forgot me.

"Isabella!" I heard a familiar voice from somewhere near the door. I looked up and saw the grass worshiping devil.

Her mom.

She looked at me and gasped. "Louis, well what are you doing here?"

"I was kind of in a car accident," I said, the sarcasm oozing out of my voice.

She huffed and walked over to Isabella, planting a kiss on her forehead. I saw her smile up at her mom, with a genuine smile.

What the hell?

"Hey mom, who is he?" Isabella asked, pointing her finger at me.

"Oh," Her mom said distastefully, "you both use to date, but he has been following you ever since."

Holy shit! She is playing with her memories!

"That's all lies!" I screamed, pulling myself off the floor. Both of their heads whipped to face me.

Just then, yet another person walked through the door, this person worse than the last.


"Who is he?" Isabella said again, this time looking at Weston.

"Oh," Her mom said with a devious smile, "that's your fiancee Weston."



Thanks for all the reads guys!

I wasn't going to update today, but with the motivation to write by @TJ5699, I did!

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I love you all so much!

Feeling Harry Today,


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