Chapter 8

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After seeing Isabella and Weston together, my heart was forever crushed. I had walked myself to the bus stop, the steady rain not bothering me the least bit. I really didn't want to go back to the flat, only to see all of Isabella's things still laying exactly where she left them. 

I stopped my feet from moving any farther, once I reached the small covered bench that sat on the side of the rode. I sat down, the water seeping through the back of my pants as I did so. I shoved my hands in my pockets, and looked around at the lifeless rode. There was no trace of any cars, just the shiny black pavement being pelted with rain. 

Looks like I'm going to be here for a while.

I slumped back against the bench and brought my feet up to meet my chest. I let out a breath, and watched as the fog that was released, diminished into the brisk night air. I felt a deep empty pit in my stomach, as I thought about everything that had happened today. It was supposed to be a good day, not one that I would forever regret.

Earlier, before I had left the hospital, the insurance company had contacted me. They said that since my car was completely totaled, then I would receive a rental car. I tried to ask them if they had any leads as to who was in the truck in front of us, but they said they had no leads. 

Once more, I stuck my head out of the covered area and looked up and down the streets for any sign of cars. In the distance, I saw a pair of headlights drawing closer to where I was. I stood up, brushing my hair back from my face. 

As soon as the vehicle was close enough for me to see what it was, I realized it was what I was waiting for.

The bus.

It reached a complete stop, making the tires splash up dirty water onto the sidewalk. The doors swung open, revealing a very tired looking stout man. I stepped upwards to get on, and stopped at the place where you place your money to pay. I reached in my pocket to find some spare change, but to my dismay, I had no money at all. 

I looked at the driver and he motioned for me to just to go ahead and sit down. I quietly thanked him, and made my way to the back of the bus. Besides me, there was only one other person on the bus. I sat down in the back, and rested my head against the cold window pane. Sighing, I wished to be anywhere but here. I have always hated buses, and only rode on them when it was absolutely necessary. 

I slowly shut my eyes, and let myself zone out, until that was, a very excited teenage boy sat in the seat in front of me. I quizzically looked at him, and he smiled wide. I looked at the other seats, and realized he was the other person that was riding. 

"Are you Louis Tomlinson?" He asked, excitement clear in his voice. I nodded, and he sounded a very odd scream. I took in his physical features and was somewhat perplexed. He looked fairly tall and lanky, with black hair that probably wasn't natural, and dark green cat eyes. I waited for him to explain why he was having a mini panic attack, but he just sat there in awe. 

"What do you need?" I asked, starting to become annoyed by his silence. His eyes lit up at the sound of my voice, and he smiled wide.

"I love your work, all of your songs you write are simply amazing, and fit my life perfectly!" He said in a rush. Suddenly, he was less annoying than before. Most of the time, I never get showered with complements for my song writing skills. Normally, it's the bands that I write for that get all of the praise, but never me. 

"Thank you," I said breathing out. The boy then drew out a notebook and a pen, and motioned for me to sign it. Gladly accepting, I took the pen and hastily wrote my signature. The bus was drawing to a stop near a local club, and I stood up, sending small droplets to land on the seat. I waved at the boy before I got off, and walked to the front to exit the bus. I smiled at the bus driver, silently thanking him for letting me on for free, and stepped out into the brisk air. 

Tugging my jacket closer to my body, I walked along the sidewalk. I could hear the music loudly playing from the club in front of me. The bright flashing signs, shown brightly in my eyes, but I reluctantly walked in anyways. 

I knew that the only way to somewhat forget what happened today, was to drink it away. I know that I will more than likely regret this later, but right now, I really didn't care at all. I stepped into the bar scene, and immediately was hit with the smell of liquor. I quickly made my way to the bar, and ordered a shot of vodka. 

I was handed the shot rather quickly, and downed it as soon as possible. The strong alcohol burned my throat, but I dismissed it as soon as the liquor got into my system. I began to feel the troubles begin to be lifted from my shoulders, all  the worries and cares soon disappeared. 

I don't even know how many I drank, but I know that I soon was with some woman. She was one of those busty blondes, that were here to just get a free drink. I felt lightheaded as the drinks really hit me. Soon, we were in a corner of the club, the music enveloping us into a hot mess. 

"You are something else," She breathed into my neck, as I kissed her lips. She moaned into my ear, causing me to forcefully push her up against the wall. She laughed, making me grab her from behind. I smiled inwardly, as I completely forgot everything that was going on around me. 

Suddenly, I felt a small hand on my shoulder. I dismissed it, and continued with the woman in front of me. The hand, still there, turned me around to face them. My eyes widened at who it was. Only this person knew just how hard alcohol could effect me.

"Louis, come on, I'm getting you out of here." 


Cliffhanger! Who do you think it was? Comment your guesses below, and in the next chapter I will give a shoutout to all of you who got it right! 

Also, I really want this to go far! Could all of you please vote and share please? It would mean a lot, and I would love you forever!

Feeling Liam Today,


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